Part 16

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It has been almost been 3 weeks since I last saw Lizzie in person, since our sudden overnight "rendezvous". We exchange texts here and there but not constantly since she's been busy with filming for her show and as am I with my work.

We would sometimes call or FaceTime too. If she's still at work at whatever location they're in and it's 3 or 4 in the morning and she catches me still awake for whatever reasons, she calls and we would talk about everything and nothing.

In the few weeks that we've known one another, I've found out a lot about Elizabeth. She does not particularly enjoy sweet breakfast foods like pancakes with syrup, but when she does, she only eats them with butter. She is the only person I know who allegedly dislikes sweet pancakes for breakfast. But I suppose that's what sets her apart. Oh, and another strange thing about her is that she really enjoys anything pumpkin-flavored. Strange but ok.

Before I walked out my front door to meet up with my friends, I made sure I had my keys and everything else I needed. I heard my phone ding just as I was about to grab the doorknob. I unlocked the door and groped for my phone, which was tucked away in my back pocket. I read the text as I made my way down to my car.

It's a text from from Lizzie.

jgh from set.
super tired.

otw to my friend's place.
get some sleep.

The way we text each other makes it seem as though we've been friends for a very long time.

bummer. :(
I was gonna invite you to go get ice cream.
or coffee.
or lunch.

missed me too soon?

I found myself smiling without even realizing it until I caught a glimpse of myself in the phone's screen.

actually, It's been 3 weeks y/n 🙄

next time liz

i'm taking ur word for it😑

I chuckled at her message and decided not to text back. Now that I was in my car, I heard another text notice from my phone as soon as I started the engine.


When I saw that one heart emoji that she sent, my stomach began to flutter. I get so excited and giddy when I talk to her on the phone or even just text her.


As I was nearing Kiera's apartment complex, I decided to stop by one of the doughnut shops just down the block because I didn't want to arrive empty-handed.

As I was in line waiting for my turn, I saw someone very familiar through my peripheral vision. To make sure they were who I thought they were, I needed to look at them. To avoid being seen or identified, I carefully and lightly turned my head. But just as I turned to face them their gaze met mine. Great.

I simply waved and gave them a complete look because I had already been spotted. They made a smile as they approached me from across the room. I was dreading the seconds until they finally reached me.

As soon as the person saw me, they questioned, "You're Lizzie's friend right?," and when I replied that I was, I added, "You're Robbie?, if I recall your name correctly." he nodded his head yes and smiled.

I'm surprised because his smile seemed genuine. He doesn't come across as arrogant or rude. So different from the first time I met him. I guess I was too quick to judge him.

Just as I was about to start a conversation, he abruptly said, "I just want to say that I am so sorry for how I acted when we first met." I tried to wave off his apology, but he persisted, "It's just that... I was just so worried about where Lizzie was and who she was with because she wasn't texting me or giving me a call."

He continued, "The worst-case scenario was playing through my head; I was worried dead, and when she came home, she acted as if my being concerned about her absence was "over-dramatic."

Oh my god, I completely misunderstood him and dismissed his emotions. Because she is his girlfriend, he has every right to be anxious, so he had every reason to react that way the day that I met him. I can tell he genuinely cares about her, and that makes me feel better knowing that someone is watching out for her, because despite the fact that I only met her recently, I actually care about the woman.

Robbie and I chatted briefly before it was my turn to order. I ordered two dozen doughnuts; you may think that is a lot, but ordering that many dozens of doughnuts.

I took both of the boxes that the cashier handed me and turned around to say my goodbyes to Robbie. "So, I should get going, my friends are probably waiting for me," but before I could turn and walk out the door, I handed him one of the boxes of doughnuts. He looked perplexed and refused the treats I offered him, but I persisted.

"Go spend the rest of the day with Lizzie; I heard she has the day off today," I said sincerely. I'm not sure why I chose to give her the doughnuts. Could it be that she wanted to hang out with me today but I couldn't, so I felt bad? I'm not sure, but I do know that I want her to know that even though we're not hanging out or together, I'm still thinking about her.


"So, what happened?" Jade asked, taking a bite of her glazed doughnut and properly positioning herself on the couch. I wasn't sure what she was talking about, so I asked her.

She giggled along with the other three girls. I still don't understand it. I replied, "What happened when? Give me context for your question."

Trina exclaimed as enthusiastically as she could, "You know, with the girl you were with three weeks ago. You mentioned you got stuck in the middle of nowhere. You didn't give us much details or at least who you were with so we are so interested!I chuckled at how enthusiastic and innocent she seemed.

Finally, I revealed and told them who I was with as well as the fact that "Chloe" is actually Elizabeth. When they found out that I was with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen's younger sister, which I didn't know, they were stunned and quite surprised. I was surprised because I had assumed they merely shared a family name.

I responded when Camry asked how she was, "She's so excellent at what she does in terms of her profession. She is so passionate and kind and witty and mesmerizing. I swear the set and the rest of the crew lit up when she entered the premises. It was like she was being bathed in sunlight."

My friends were all looking at me and smiling when I looked up, so I guess I was mumbling while talking about Lizzie.

"What" I asked.

Kiera remarked, her smile now wider than ever, "You like her, don't you?" I exhaled as a means of expressing, "I don't like her."

Trina exclaimed gleefully, "You never talk about us the way you do her, y/n."

No. I don't like her. This is too soon for that. And even if I did, there is no chance that we would end up together because she is straight and is with Robbie and he's such a great guy. So no, I don't like her as more than a friend. I don't.



Hi, it has been a while since I last posted a chapter in this story. I have ideas on where I want this story to go but it's hard to write all the time because I have been so busy. I don't personally love this chapter but I still published it so let you guys know that this story is still on going.

Comment some ideas and what you want to happen in the next chapters.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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