Part 7

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As I arrived home, I quickly took a shower and changed. I decided to wear my biker shorts and hoodie since It's the end of the day and I have nowhere else to be.

After plopping myself down on the couch, I scrolled through my laptop looking for movie recommendations. I ended up putting on the new movie Little Women by Greta Gerwig.

I was about 10 minutes into the movie when  I heard my stomach rumble. Running must've made me hungry so I boiled some water to cook my instant ramen.

After cooking my ramen, I went back to the couch and continued to watch the movie while eating my cup of ramen.

I was not even halfway through the movie when I heard my doorbell ring. I stood up and walked to my  door, when I opened It was my friends, holding
boxes of pizza. "Surprise!!" They said in unison.

"What are you guys doing here?" I was happy and shocked to see them. But I still didn't forget about about they did yesterday night. "We brought pizza." Jade said as she plopped herself down my couch, followed by Trina, now hugging the raven haired girl.
"It's their way of apologizing." Camry said as she walked into my house. We gave each other a hug and walked together to the kitchen to grab some napkins, plates and drinks.

"How are you, y/n?" Camry asked as she open the cupboard to get the paper plates. "Honestly? I feel great right now" I told her as I walked to the fridge to grab some sodas.

"Wow, I wasn't expecting that answer but, that's great." She said. "What do you mean?" I asked her still smiling. "Well, the girls said you were upset when they called you this morning." Camry told me as we walked back to the living room.

"Well, I don't feel that way anymore." I said as I handed Kiera our drinks. Camry rolled her eyes playfully. "I'm serious!" I told her laughing. "I bumped into the stranger who helped me last night." I told her.

The other 3 girls' head turned in unison to face Camry and I, in which both of us were standing behind the couch. "You bumped into Chloe?" Kiera asked me. "Yep. " I told them as I went in front of the couch and took a seat on the right end of the couch next to Trina while Camry sat on the left end. Both Jade and Kiera sat on the foot of the couch.

I didn't bother telling them "Chloe's" real name because I have this feeling that she lied about her real identity for a reason.

"So, do you have your phone back now?" Trina asked, facing me as she took a bite of her pepperoni pizza.
"Uh, no. Not yet. She left it in her coat, but we made plans to meet up so she could give me my phone back."

They didn't really ask much about my encounter with Elizabeth, which I don't mind.

The rest of the night was pretty relaxing and surprisingly quiet. We ate all the pizzas they brought and watched the movie.

They went home when it was almost 11 pm because tomorrow is a Monday so we have work to do.

Hi! I know this chapter wasn't really relevant to the overall plot line of the story but I just wanted to post this part to show that this story is still on going.

I've been gone for quite a while now and i'm sorry about that.

if you have any suggestions on what should happen in the next chapter, please comment them down! thank you, loves!🥰

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