Part 11

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After less than an hour of driving, we arrived at the Golden Oak Ranch. When we arrived on set, it was nearly 5 p.m. We were accompanied by security, and we had to follow them in their golf cart as they led us to Lizzie's trailer where her hair and makeup team would be working on her.

"Wow, this is a big production set. What movie are you guys filming? If you're allowed to disclose that information." I asked, amused by the high-production set and the site itself, which was actually very nice.

"Well, we're actually filming the very first MCU series," she remarked, her voice full of pride.

"Wait, what's the name of the series?" I questioned.

"I'm actually not allowed to share that information with the others just yet, but since you're my friend and I trust you, I'm going to tell you," she quipped, as she gave me a cheeky wink.

I couldn't help but smile when she told me she trusted me. Having people tell you that they trust you is one of the most flattering compliments you could ever receive.

"It's called WandaVision," she stated quietly, with a proud grin on her face. "Why am I even whispering? Almost everyone in here knows the title of this series," she giggled, and I did as well. It made me happy to see her all giddy and excited about her work.

Her team entered the trailer a few minutes later and began doing her hair and makeup. Lizzie informed me that getting ready would take some time, and filming would take much more time. She asked if I could wait for her so she could carpool with me back to the city, and I agreed.

It was about 6 p.m. when they were finally done glamming her up. Lizzie insisted I go with them to the location within the ranch where they were filming the scene for which they needed to do reshoots for.

We arrived at the "town center" for the scene in their series. There was a Gazebo and a plethora of chairs. Curiosity piqued, I asked Lizzie about the scene they would be filming.

"Oh, we're actually filming a talent show right now," she explained as we approached the green room.

I couldn't believe who I saw when I walked into the room. It was Kathryn Hahn.

"Lizzie! What took you so long babe?" Kathryn Hahn approached and gave Lizzie a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I was with a friend when Macy called, and we had to rush here because I didn't want us to be late and keep everyone waiting," Lizzie explained while still holding each other's hands.

"I thought your driver had to go home? Did he come back?" Kathryn asked.

"Oh no, I actually came here with a friend," Lizzie said, grabbing my hand as we stood next to each other. I'm in the vicinity of THE Kathryn Hahn.

"This is y/n, she drove me all the way from the city," Lizzie explained as she gave me a side-hug.

"Hiya hun, I'm Kathryn Hahn." Kathryn said as she placed her hand out for me to shake. I instantly grabbed her hand and shook it.

"You don't need to introduce yourself; I am a huge fan of yours," I said as geekily as I could.

Lizzie was called by the Production Coordinator, who informed her that they needed to discuss the angles and what they needed to do for the shoot to go smoothly.

"Hi sweetheart, can I get you something to eat or drink?" Kathryn Hahn approached me while I was waiting for Lizzie and said, "Lizzie's going to be back soon, they just need to discuss some stuff for the reshoots."

"Oh, thank you so much, but I'm fine, and yep, Lizzie told me before they left what they had to do," I explained shyly to Kathryn.

"OK, babe," she said with a smile, "but if you need anything, the craft is just around the corner outside the green room, okay?"

"Ok, thank you so much." I gave her a thankful smile.

"No problem, darling," she said as she walked out of the room to meet the rest of the crew. "Look, I have to go, they're calling me already. Help yourself if you need anything. Bye, hon."

I debated whether or not I should roam and tour the rest of the set once Kathryn left the green room. I hesitated for a few moments before leaving the room and started to walk.

There were numerous fictitious buildings, houses, restaurants, and shops. It's similar to those tourist trap paintings where you can snap pictures in front of them, only these are real establishments but when you step inside, it's completely empty. It's all for show.

The filming location inside the Ranch is a vast circular, and with all the stops to admire the "design" of each building, it took me a long time to go back to the green room.

I noticed that they have changed the set. It looks like Halloween in here. I noticed too that Lizzie and the rest of her team had left when I arrived. I looked everywhere for them before asking one of the staff members where they were.

The crew stated, "They left to go to their trailer."

I dashed to her trailer as quickly as I could. When I saw her getting glammed up again by her staff, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"I thought you disappeared and left me," I murmured, sighing heavily and wiping sweat from my brow.

She responded as she looked at me in the mirror, "I tried calling your phone but you weren't picking up."

"I'm sorry, I was going around the ranch looking at the rest of the set, and my phone must have been on silent or dead," I explained as I retrieved my phone from my pants pockets and confirmed that it was indeed dead.

She simply smiled at me and closed her eyes to let her make-up artist apply eye make-up on her. I sat quietly on the trailer's sofa, watching them work their magic on her.

"Are you guys done filming?" I asked, hoping to strike up a conversation and know if they were finished filming for the day. Or, in this case, for the night, as it was nearly 8 p.m.

"They said we had to shoot for the Halloween episode, at least the night sequence," she added, her eyes closed.

I simply nodded, despite the fact that she couldn't see because her eyes were closed.

When she finally opened them, she turned to face me and asked, almost apologetically, "Are you sure it's ok? I mean, are you sure you'll wait for me? There's a chance we'll finish very late at night. I'll understand if you want to go."

I assured her that everything was fine and that I could wait for her. I also didn't mind because I didn't have any important plans for tomorrow.

We returned to the green room, and this time my eyes couldn't believe who was standing in front of me, breathing the same air I was. Evan Peters and Paul Bettany were there. It was strange, though, because he had red paint on his face.

They greeted each other with hugs, and after a while, they began filming. I couldn't really talk to Paul and Evan Peters because they had been called onto set to rehearse their lines and block.

Lizzie was correct; the night shoot took much longer than I had anticipated. They didn't finish until almost 1 a.m.

By this time, I was starting to feel drowsy, but Lizzie's crew was still talking to her about the next shoot's schedule and other essential filming details. As a result, we were able to depart at 1:57 a.m.

"I am so sorry, It took us literally a full day to shoot. You must be very tired from waiting." Lizzie stated as she glanced at me.

"It's all right, Lizard. I actually enjoyed today," I said while driving, as I tried to offer her a bright smile, which I don't think I did because she noticed my tired eyes.

"Are you tired?" she said pleasantly and concernedly.

"A bit, yeah-," I began, but was interrupted by the sound of one of the tires popping.
I wonder what will happen in the next chapter🤔
Any ideas?

edit: I change some of the time frames in this chapter. I don't know how long it takes to reshoot and to film, so changed it🥲

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