Part 14

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I woke up early the next morning and had only 3 hours of sleep. I decided to lounge at the motel's diner and had a cup of coffee to fight the exhaustion .

I was reading a newly published newspaper when I saw Lizzie come down the stairs and proceeded to my table.

"Morning, Lizzie." I greeted her with a smile on my face.

"Morning." She greeted back then took a seat and sat down across from me. "Where were you last night?"

"What do you mean? I was with you."

"I woke up and looked for you but you weren't there. When I couldn't find you, I just went to sleep again since I was tired." She said as she rubbed her eyes, probably to adjust them from the light of the room.

"Oh, I sat outside the room." I said as I took a sip of my coffee. "Coffee?"

She shook her head no politely, "Did you sleep outside?"

"Um, I got tired and sleepy eventually so I... booked another room."

"Well why didn't you just sleep on the bed? Beside me?" She said nonchalantly as she was looking through the menu.

I was caught off guard with what the blonde girl sitting across from me said. I didn't think she would be ok if I slept next to her especially after knowing her for days. I thought she would mind. I guess I was thinking out loud because then she said, "I wouldn't mind if you did."

"You wouldn't? I mean I thought you would be uncomfortable since you've only known me for a couple of days, you know I'm practically a stranger and I-" My rambling was cut short when she said; "Under the circumstances we're in, no I don't mind. And plus, have you forgotten that was your room?"

"I didn't want to creep you out. Don't worry, I'll sleep beside you next time." I said jokingly. She rolled her eyes at me and laughed.

"That is IF there's still a next time." She joked and I laughed. We ordered some food to give us energy for the day.

When it was nearly 10 a.m., we got ready and checked out of our rooms. Since the car was yet to be fixed, I asked the receptionist if there was any nearby auto shop that could fixed the car's damages. Luckily she said yes and gave me the shop's number. I tried dialing the number but to my luck, there was zero service in this area. I asked if she could call the shop for us instead.

It took some time for the mechanics to arrive and I'm not going to lie, I was getting pretty frustrated.

They eventually came and when they did, they wasted no time and immediately started working on the car. They demounted the tire from the rim so it can be inspected on the inside, then they removed the damaged material. After doing so, they filled the void with rubber, and sealed the inner liner with a repair unit.

Since two of the tires were ruptured, It took them almost an hour  to finish working on my car. I payed them and tipped the mechanics a good amount of money as a thank you for helping with the vehicle.

After we bid our 'thank yous' and 'goodbyes' to the mechanics, Lizzie and I continued our roadtrip home. The first 20 minutes of the car ride was silent and a little bit awkward so in order to lessen the awkwardness around us, I decided to turn on the bluetooth and shuffled a song on my Spotify playlist. After a few taps on the "next" button, the song Lost by Frank Ocean started playing.

"I love this song!" Lizzie said excitedly as she waited for the first verse to start playing.

Lost (Frank Ocean):

Double D
Big full breast on my baby
(Yo we going to Florida)

Lizzie started dancing playfully to the lyrics of the song. Shaping an imaginary breast in the air with her hands and making funny facial expressions. I couldn't help but laugh at her playful antics.

Triple weight
Couldn't weigh the love I've got for
the girl

She lip synced to the lyrics of the song. Getting herself lost in the rhythm and the vibe that is currently playing on the stereo. And I'm not gonna lie, I'm loving what I'm seeing.

And I just wanna know
Why you ain't been going to work

"Come on, y/n, loosen up!" She said as she nudged me a little bit on the shoulders while still dancing to the song playing.

"No, no, I don't dance." I said as I'm really not a good dancer and I'm shy and awkward when I do try and dance.

Boss ain't working you like this
He can't take care of you like this

"You don't have to be good at it, just have fun!" She said as she continued dancing.

I shook my head no while having a big smile plastered on my face. She kept nudging me lightly and looking at me when she danced.

I'm not going to lie, she looks enticing doing so.

Now you're lost
Lost in the heat of it all
Girl you know you're lost
Lost in the thrill of it all

I completely gave in when the chorus hit and started dancing along to the music. Not caring if I look funny or stupid. I just let my body let loose and I felt exhilarated.

"That's the spirit, y/n!" Lizzie cheered me on.

We continued dancing to the next 5-7 songs, dancing like children and singing at the top of our lungs. We eventually got tired.

"I didn't know you were such a good dancer, Lizzie." I playfully teased her but I actually did thought she was great.

"Oh stop it." She waved the compliment off and got all shy and flustered.

After an hour of driving, we finally arrived back to the city. Being in the middle of nowhere really made me miss the crowded city of Los Angeles. I just love me some good architecture and buildings. I guess this whole experience made me realize one thing about myself; that I'm an Urban kind of gal.

Elizabeth asked me If I didn't mind dropping her off at her house and of course, I said no, I didn't mind at all.

"Before you drive to me home, can we stop somewhere else for a bit please?" Lizzie asked politely and I couldn't help but say yes. I turned the car to the left and after 2 minutes, we have finally arrived. "I'm just gonna be quick, I promise." Lizzie said as she hurriedly got our of the car and into the small store.

It didn't take long for her to get back and when she did, she was carrying two paper bags, I couldn't figure out the contents of the bag.

"Let's go." She said when she got inside of the car.

"What are those?" I asked Lizzie, not taking my eyes off the road.

"I bought us late lunch. I heard your stomach rumble earlier so I figured you must be famished. I think you're gonna love this." She said excitedly as she held the paper bag which is now sitting on her lap.

We eventually arrived at her house. I drove the car and parked it in her big driveway.

I followed her to her front door, she opened it and stepped aside. "Come in." She invited me in so I slowly walked inside her humble abode.

"I'm starving, let's go to the kitchen and set up so we could eat." She said as we walked inside the house. When we took a turn to the right to reach her dining area and kitchen, there was a man sitting at one of the high stool chairs, with a phone to his ear.

"Hello?" Lizzie called out to the man who has his back facing us.

The guy turned around and let out a breath of relief  once he saw the blonde girl beside me.

"Lizzie!" He got off from his seat and ran to Lizzie giving her a tight hug.

"Robbie?" Lizzie said.
I think this is the longest chapter I have written so far. I hope you liked this chapter!!!

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