Part 6

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All was going well until a group of people-age probably varying from 18-20- went inside the Café. A girl with the pink hair called the attention of her  guy friend, tugging at his hoodie and started pointing at Elizabeth secretly. She whispered something to him. I couldn't figure out what she told her friend because she was being discrete or at least trying to be discrete about it.

Elizabeth noticed how the group's attention was all on her  which made her uncomfortable. She kept fidgeting  her fingers, pulling on her clothes and fixing her hair. She turned her upper body, now slightly facing me and mostly the wall, instead of facing me completely. She tried hiding her face with her left hand even though her sunglasses are huge enough to cover her face entire face.

"Is everything ok?" I asked her as I noticed the shift in her mood from being relaxed and happy to being anxious and fidgety.

"Do you have anywhere else to be after this?" She asked me, now talking in a low voice, almost like a whisper. "Um, no I don't think so" I told her truthfully and confusedly and asked her "why?"

"Do you wanna go for a walk?" She asked me as she stood up. She stretched her hand out towards me, I looked up at her and smiled as I grabbed her hand, then she helped me stand up.

We were walking silently side by side, the sun was starting to set and you can hear people talking, laughing, and arguments in the background.

"What was that earlier?" I broke the silence with a question. Curious as to why those people were pointing at her. She looked slightly confused at first but then was replaced by a look of relief right after.

"Well, I-.." She stopped herself. She's thinking. She looked down for a second then looked back up at me and smiled. "Don't worry about it, it was nothing." Then looked straight ahead.

"How do I know you're not a serial killer?" I asked her teasingly. Playfully creating a distance between us and acting like I'm afraid of her. She chuckled "how do I know YOU'RE not a serial killer?" She asked me my question back.

"What if I am?" I asked her.
"Yeah, right." She rolled her eyes as she walked faster, leaving me behind.

I fasten my pace and caught up to her "But, seriously though. What was that about?" I asked her, my curiosity now getting the best of me. "I mean, If you don't mind me asking of course. You can talk to me. But that also depends if you want to. If you don't then that's ok too. It's really up to you if you-" I stopped mumbling when I realized she has stopped walking and was now staring at me.

"What?" I asked, smiling and confused. "You're mumbling." She told me.
"I was. Was I?"
"Yeah." She said, her smile still plastered on her face.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry." I covered my face, embarrassed. "It's ok." She told me as she walked towards me. "It's cute." She said as she walked straight. Leaving me behind once again.

After a good 30 minutes of walking, without any destination in mind she finally asked if we could stop for a moment and take a seat.

"Oh thank god, I thought you'd never ask. My feet are killing me." I told her as I dramatically plopped myself on the bench. "You could've told me earlier you wanted to sit down." She told me as she sat right next to me.

We sat in silence, absorbing the fresh air and the view of the city in front of us.

"I'm so glad you don't know me." She said, still looking straight at the city lights. I turned to face her, curios and confused about what she had just said.

"I know you. You're Elizabeth." I told her. She chuckled. "No, what I mean is that I'm glad you didn't know of me when we met." She looked at me. "I'm so glad. For a change, you know." She added.

I just nodded and pretended I understand what she's trying to say. "I'm just happy I made a friend." I said.
"I'm your friend?" She asked me.
"Yeah, you are." I answered her.
She smiled at me. She's literally like a puppy.

"You're mine too." She said as she playfully bumped her shoulders to mine.
When the sun has completely set and the moon is now  shining, we decided to walk back to Starbucks and part ways there. "So.." I started.

"Thank you so much for today. This was a much needed escape." She told me, happiness and sadness apparent in her eyes and her tone.

"Of course. The next time you feel like escaping again, just give me a call." I told her.

"I don't even have your number." She said, chuckling.

"Oh, yeah that's right. Wait." I said as I started to look for my phone. I then realized I didn't bring my bag with me because I ran here.

"I completely forgot I left it-" then I remembered. She has my phone. "Are you ok?" She asked me as I froze on the spot, thinking thoroughly if I did or did not have it when she left.

"I think you forgot to give me my phone back last night." I told her, a little shy that I may be wrong.

"Oh my god, you're absolutely right. I forgot to hand it back to you when I left. It's probably in my coat." She told me.

"I mean, you can give it to me when you're not busy or anything. Just tell me when and where." I told her. Slightly regretting what I said because all the important files are saved in my phone.

"Are you sure? I mean I could take you to my house and take you home right after but.." She looked hesitant. "But you don't feel safe letting someone you've known for a day into your house? I get it. Don't worry." I flashed her a warm smile. Because honestly, I wouldn't want people I've just met into my house too so, I completely understood.

"Are you sure?" She asked, she sounded apologetic.
"I'm sure. I can give you my landline number instead so we can plan for when we can meet again." I told her. She agreed and I gave her my landline number.

We parted ways after we bid our goodbyes to each other. I walked home smiling and thinking about the new friend that I've just made. I'm super excited to meet her again.
Author's Note:
Hi guys!! I'm so sorry it took so long for me to publish a new chapter. I hope you liked this chapter. ☺️

Comment what should happen next!🥰

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