She was devastated; the girl who has been raised with money and peace has today faced the worst kind of humiliation without any fault of hers. She is not emotionally too strong. She cried and cried. The police man gave her his coat to cover her. Still her tears are not stopping. Media has covered all of this but didn't help her. She is thankful that police came on time.

Seeing all this live on TV, a man was really happy. He turned off the TV and poured a glass of costliest whiskey and took a sip with a smirk.

"It feels so good! Finally their demise is here. Finally I accomplished my mission after ten years. Right now his daughter is humiliated by public like that but I can't wait when he will come out and these people will do the same to him. The same humiliation which my father faced... because of which my father killed himself. Now, that same pain he will go through. Henry... that bastard will pay for everything he did to my father and my family. Finally my revenge will be over" he said and gulped down his whole glass of whisky.

He is Aiden Miller. The Chairman and CEO of Miller industries. He has build this company on his own after working for ten years and made it a pharma company in top twenty in world. He planned out his revenge since ten years, he started from streets, worked hard and reached here but it won't satisfy him, only the demise of Henry Jones will satisfy him. He has suffered so much, after his father's death, his mother can't live without him and died in depression. He didn't have anything with him other than the responsibility of a little sister.

Eva Miller!

He raised her, worked all kind of jobs that one can imagine at just age of seventeen and his sister was just ten years old. He worked and worked and finally after ten years he had his revenge within his grasps. His life was filled with hardships but he didn't let it fall on his sister. She is twenty now and studying further in Germany.

"Soon it will be all over dad... I will make him cry blood tears, he will beg on streets and die in humiliation. It already started... his daughter paid already and now soon he will be on his knees" he caressed his father and mother's photo.

James and Hannah Miller!

He gulped down another glass. He never really wanted to involve families in this revenge. Although because of that bastard Henry his own family suffered a lot but he fought fair. He destroyed his company and not his family.

In fact he also didn't even know that Henry had another daughter other than the twins boy and girl. He was shocked to see this woman who looked like in her mid twenties. He didn't care about anyone but still somewhere from inside that woman was not leaving him.

"I guess family has to pay for their father's sins" he said as the scene of what happened to her roamed in his eyes again. People assaulted her, it was not right. Not right to happen with a woman. He himself doesn't know why he is thinking about her again and again. Because of egg and all, he can't even see her face clearly.

"whatever... my family has suffered worst. They deserve this" and he looked at the file in his hand. The deal which ruined Henry. It was his plan. This deal was a web in which Henry lost everything. He was calm and waiting for the good news when the door of his office opened and his assistant and best friend came running in.

"Sir, please switch on the TV." His assistant Dave said and he looked at his best friend Ryan who also owns his own business and helped him a lot in this revenge.

"As you can see today earlier news came, Jones & Jones Company has gone bankrupt. The main owner Mr. Jones has run away and investors are outside the building in rage. It looked like it is the end for the company today but a miracle has saved them... yes the eldest daughter who has left the country a long time ago is back and she has promised her investors that she will save the company and give them their money back." he saw that...

His blood was boiling; He has spent his whole life for this revenge... this vengeance. That bastard took everything from him and his family. He worked for ten years to see him in the same condition once his father was... but that bitch... she just came and saved everything. NO! NO.. NO... NO...!

He looked at her face talking to angry investors... he never wanted to make this fight personal but now he will... now she will face him. He will now take his revenge from not only her but her whole family. He will ruin everyone now.

"You want to save your daddy dearest's company?... I won't let you... and for this mistake... I will not spare you... you will get punished little girl..." he said and glared at her who has some what cleaned her face and wearing a police jacket. Even though her face is looking smeared with tears, she is not looking weak now. She must have cried alone and now came to face the investors again.

"I am thankful for the investors to listen to me. They have nothing to worry about. From past three years I have been working on a medicine which will change the face of phrama industry. I can't disclose more but I can assure you, the medicine which I have invented will create history, and my father's company won't be bankrupt, in fact I promise you, I will take this company to such lengths that it won't stay in top fifty but it will be on top ten biggest pharmaceutical companies in whole world." She said confidently and all the shareholders clapped. The same people who almost tried to rape her are now with her.

"Get me every thing about her and her whole fucking family" and he turned off the TV. With just one thought... he will fucking destroy her for ruining his plans... now he won't play by rules, he will destroy every one from Henry's family with him... and he will start with her.... the game is on...!! she will face him... tonight!

How was it guys?

This chapter is just an intro and you will see them in action from the next one. I just wanted to give a brief idea about who is who and the families. you will get to know more about them as the story progresses.

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