I stared at him, pushing more and more chips into my mouth. It tasted amazing.

"Normally, I'd put my card in my wallet but I was in such a hurry to leave that I just slid it into my pocket. The sub asked to be dropped off at a bus stop rather than his home, he asked for a hug and by the time I got home, I realized my card was gone."

I nearly spat out my chips. "He stole from you?"

Zavien nodded. "It was really funny to me. I didn't have his address or phone number. My cousin had the sub's number but the little thief had switched off his phone. It took two days but by then the sub had spent over 200k."

What in the fu-

People never cease to amaze me. Just when you think you've met the worst of the worst, you meet or hear about someone that just leaves you stymied.

"What did you do to him?"

"I let Rowan handle it and didn't ask questions." Zavien replied, finally reaching for his chips. "She did tell me he was still alive and able-bodied."

Of all three people Zavien kept close to him, Rowan was the one who scared me the most. Dresses how she wants, always had a weapon with her, her stoic expression was almost up to par with Zavien's and I saw her lift a man that was twice her size.

"Rowan is kind of terrifying."

"Don't tell her that. Her head will get so big!" Zavien said and I laughed. I pushed the last of my chips into my mouth, letting out another pleased hum.

"How long have you known each other?" I asked, trying my best not to eye Zavien's plate of chips and dip.

"We all grew up together. Madan is almost like a brother and the girls are like my sisters. I am protective of them and they're ten times more protective of me." Zavien replied. He didn't tell me much and my interest remained piqued because I do want to know how they met. Maybe I'll just ask them personally. Since Zavien did not want to tell, that means there are stories there and he's respecting their privacy.

The waitress arrives with a huge tray and places the second set of meals on the table, takes the empty plates and disappears. It was medium sized bowls of smoky bacon, sweetcorn and potato soup. The smell immediately drew me in and before I could stop myself, I reached for the spoon and raised it to my mouth. I let out a pleased hum as I took another spoon.

"I take it you like the soup." Zavien chuckled

"It's so delicious."

I looked away from the soup and stared at Zavien's. He had ordered Broccoli soup and it came in a round bow and it was green and smooth with a little leaf on it. I wondered what it would taste like? If it would be sweet like mine or tangy or bitter.

"Want to try some of mine?" Zavien asked. He must have noticed me staring at his soup

"Yes, please."

Zavien dipped his spoon into the soup, scooped and then raised it up. I stared at the spoon and at Zavien, my eyes widening just a bit as he moved closer, leaning over the table. I part my lips and take the spoon in. My eyes widened even more at the taste. It was savory and soft, very flavorful.

"It's nice."


"How do you know there's a but?" I asked as I settled back into my seat.

"With you. . . there's definitely a but." Zavien said, chuckling afterwards. He dipped his spoon into his soup and I watched.

"It's nice but I prefer my soup." I said with a huff, resisting the urge to pout at Zavien. "You can taste it." I said, dipping my spoon in my soup and raising it to Zavien. He leaned forward and parted his lips. He let out a pleased sound as he chewed.

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