Varian x Body Swap! Reader

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You and Varian feeding Ruddiger and all the other raccoons that show up on your front door step ^^^^^


(also the reader in this one is described as more feminine and wears dresses but you can change it up if you wanna)

also I made some u n h o l y s u g g e s t I o n s but nothing actually happens between them cos I'm an innocent child :)



I was vibing in my best friend's lab when I grew increasingly bored over the silence.

"Hey Var," I whispered. "Varritos. Varian. Vee. Vacuum. Varied Berry-" I kept bothering the workaholic.

"Ugh, what is it now Y/N?" He didn't even look up from his work.

"What are you making??????" I asked, sitting on the table.

"Hey, get off of that!" He pulled a formula out from under my thigh (leg? idk).

"Ha. You touched my thigh like a little virgin," I joked.

"Shut up Y/N," He chuckled, going back to his work. I grabbed the test tube he was working with and looked at it. "Don't touch my stuff!" He took it back. "You can test it after I'm done," 

"Var, why am I always the test subject?" I groaned. 

"Because I don't want to give Ruddiger odd mutations," He grinned looking up.

"You can't lie to me Var, I know you looooooooooove me~" I played down on the desk only for Varian to shove me off, laughing.

"In your dreams," He poured another mixture into the tube. I sat up and called over our son, Ruddiger. He jumped in my lap and I pat his fluffy head.

"The baby needs his father's attention." I stated, holding up the raccoon.

"Stop that-" He turned his head and was startled by the raccoon and flung back out of his seat. "The serum!" I ran over to the desk and caught the tube before it could spill out. I laughed helping Varian to his feet.

"So...can I try it now?" He rolled his eyes and rummaged through his desk. "I'll take that as a yes," I chugged the bottle. 

"Okay but before you do that, I need to add a little more-yoU DRANK IT!?!?!?" I noticed a strange tingly feeling all over. I made eye contact with Varian and then my skin started glowing. His did the same. 

"What the heck is happening?-"

The light was so bright, I had to cover my face with my sleeve. I then opened my eyes and I looked down and saw Varian's gloves over my hands. I rushed to a mirror and saw that I looked like-

"NOOO I'M NO LONGER HOT!" I heard Varian I mean, me cry.


"WHY'D YOU DRINK IT?" He/I yelled.

"I-I doN'T knOw- vAriAn, hoW dO yoU kEEp yOur VoiCe fRoM cRACkiNg sO muCh?"

"Shut up Y/n, I don't how you breath with this stupid dressy corset thing!" He tried pulling it off put kept tightening it. "Ugh, I can't believe you drank it!" 

"You said I coULD!" 

"STOP TALKING LIKE THAT! YOU GOTTA SPEAK IN A LOWER TONE!" He told me. He/I looked around the room and all I could focus on was that I'm currently in the cutest person on the planet's body! Also that I look super hot in that outfit. He looked back and asked me a question. "Y/N, what are you looking at?" 

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