Sick! Varian x Reader

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"Take care of yourself baby"

I stole this chapter from my other book part one


I walked to Varian's house with a few books and snacks because Var said that he'd try and work on an invention that will change the way alchemy was perceived for decades to come. I didn't know what that meant but asked him to go to bed at a reasonable time and eat and drink something.

I knocked on the door to see Quirin answer.

"Uhm...hi. It's Y/N. I'm here for-"

"Varian. I know," He smiled, letting you in the doorway. "Just a heads-up, Varian isn't feeling well and has been down in his lab all day."

gosh darn it, Varian.

I went to his lab and slowly opening the door, cringing as I heard it slam shut.

I tip-toed over to the chair that Varian lay and admired his features.

The boy rested. His eyes shut tight while he mumbled stuff like "Neural technological advances" and "Hypothetically" he looked...peaceful. Which was a word I would never think to describe Varian of all people.

I leaned in close to his face, his breath, against my lips and...

straight up, slapped him.

just slapped him.


He rubbed his sore cheek and grinned weakly, "It-It's okay, Y/N- wait. Why are you here?" He asked, sitting up a little in the chair, trying to flatten out his already puffy hair. (Same Var, Same)

"Well, I first checked on you to see how your invention was coming along but...I think your health, is better than some science experiment." I said

He faked offense "What are you talking about my health isn't ba-" he broke out in a coughing fit.

"Sure." I said sarcastically. "But seriously, did you sleep last night?"

He shook his head "no."

"What about food? Did you eat last night?"

He shook his head no again.

"Did you drink some water at least?"

Varian lowered his head in shame and whispers a small no then looks you in the eye.

"Var," I began. "You have got to start taking care of yourself! You need to sleep, eat, and drink! Please do those things. For me at least?"

"I'm...sorry." He said

"No, don't be sorry. I love you Var, and I don't want to see you getting worse, okay?" I smiled.

"...I love you too, Y/N." He responded, pink-faced.

We sat in silence for a little while that felt like a very long time but obviously wasn't. It never is.

"Welp, you need to get some sleep." I finally said

"I can'tttttt legs don't workkkkk." Varian joked, waving his arms around as if he was being controlled by a puppeteer.

"Ok then," I sighed, cracking my knuckles. "Aaaaaand scoop!" I picked Varian up bridal style and began to walk him to his room.

"How-" He began before I cut him off

"You're really not that heavy, plus, I'm stronger than I look," I joked

I arrived at his room and placed him on his bed.

"Thanks," He said

"Okay so..." I took off his apron and goggles and gave him some tissues after he sneezed. "Oh and..." I also gave him the basket with the book and snacks for him to realize I packed Ham Sandwiches which are a delicacy where we're from.

"Thank you so much Y/N!" He beamed taking a bite out of the God-like food.

"Oh it's no problem also, D R I N K S O M E F R I C K I N W A T E R . "

"O-Okay! Okay I will!" He panicked, chugging out of the cup I handed him.

2nd person POV

After some time spent taking turns reading "The Unfortunate Traveler" in ways to make it sound less morbid and more funny, and you complementing Varian every time he sneezes, telling him that his sneeze is small and cute just like he is and Varian a complication of Varian blushing at each remark or physical contact that you two endured, you two began to grow tired by the hour even thought the sun had not even set.

"Okay Var, I'll make one more sandwich, but the rest, you have to do yourself." You chuckled.

"Fine but only because mine are best." He smirked.

"And why's that?" You said slyly, eyeing him as you prepared the sandwich.

"Cos mine are made with the love I have for you in them." he purred, rolling over in the bed to place his head in your lap.

Your face grew pink at the sudden contact and you dropped the sandwich on his face and you both began to laugh until there was no engery left in the either of you.

You laid down with him. Your legs were wrapped around his waist with his head in the crook of your neck and your fingers were intwined.

"Hey, Var?" You asked

"Yeah?" He replied, in an exhausted tone.

"What was the thing you were working on supposed to do anyway?" You questioned the short alchemist.

"Oh, well I tried to calculate an antidote for sleeping and change the neurological combine that our brains are made out of to allow a human to go a long amount of time without sleep. But right now, I think I kinda like sleep..." He mumbled the last part.

You looked down at the single greatest thing that has ever happened to you in your arms and grinned with the most amount of content a person could ever ask for.

You had finally found your place in life.

You watched as his bright blue eyes that matched the streak in his raven hair fluttered open and made eye contact with you then kissed your lips, very softly. Almost as if he hadn't even gone near them, and went back to softly snoring as your face flushed ever so slightly.




anywho have a good day and sorry this is crappy.

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