V&t7k! x Reader

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I love vatsk and no one will stop me from it. These are preferences btw

>You and Varian were dating before he went on his trip to find his mom

>You went with him and when you met Yong, you swore to protect the child

>When you met Hugo, you hated him and tried slicing his eyes out when he tried stealing the totem from your boyfriend

>Varian hated him too but because Hugo is good with places and people, didn't let. you kill him

>When you met Nuru, ya'll bonded over how much you hated Hugo

>Hugo kept flirting with you as a joke cos it made you two mad

>Once Hugo snuck up on you and Varian causing him to trip and shove down Var so he landed on top of you. Varian just about died and you thought he was having an asthma attack, his face was so red

>You all were sitting outside at night and Varian, Nuru, and Yong all fell asleep leaving you with just Hugo

>You and Hugo have a sweet heart to heart

>For the first time you saw Hugo genuinely smile a soft smile 

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