Chapter 6

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That night Emma could barely sleep, as the autumn cold made its way into her bedroom. She tried to sleep for two hours now, but nothing was working. She was shivering to the point, where she seriously considered going to Poppy, asking for a second duvet.

Getting up, she glanced worriedly at the clock, which read 23:42.

Praying for Poppy to be still awake, she quickly put on her fluffy robe and warm slippers.

Quietly opening her door, she listened for a bit, but as she couldn't hear anything, Emma tiptoed hurriedly to her neighbor's room. She knocked gently on the maid's door not wanting to wake up the whole house.

But after waiting for a few minutes there was still no answer. And Emma, deciding against her better judgement, slowly pushed down the doorhandle.

'Where could she be at this hour?' Emma asked herself, standing dumbfounded as she looked around the empty bedroom.

It was way smaller compared to hers, having only a narrow bed placed next to the wall and a tiny wardrobe with two drawers, functioning as a nightstand. Everything was so...plain, nothing luxurious about it.

Suddenly, Emma felt ashamed. She was born in such a privileged life, taking everything for granted, while this pure-hearted girl didn't even have a set of curtains or a dressing table.

Walking closer to the well-made bed, she was shocked to see how paper-thin Poppy's duvet was. It was two times thinner than Emma's, and the temperature was the same in both rooms...

Not wanting to pry anymore, she stepped out to the corridor, closing the old-fashioned brown door softly.

She was about to enter her own bedroom, when she heard a loud smack, like someone had just received a slap.

Curiously, she waited for the noise again.

And there it was again, coming from Ann's bedroom. Walking towards the closed doors, she could hear faint panting, accomplished with a few whimpers.

Emma stood shocked. She could've never guessed that Ann and Felix were together...that way.

'But maybe it's a man from the city...' Hearing the sound of skins slapping together, she quickly retreated into her room, locking the door in the process.

Her parents always taught her to wait before marriage, so why did Ann have sex with a man, if she was not married?

Snuggling under her blankets, these thoughts kept repeating in her head, until she fell asleep.


"Good morning." Emma mumbled, rubbing her eyes sleepily, as she walked into the dining area.

"Good morning, Miss Emma!" came Viola's greeting alongside with Ann's "Morning."

Both of them looked slightly...distraught. Viola kept dazing off while Ann yawned for the tenth time.

"Is everything alright?" the girl asked, studying both women with great interest.

"Yes." the answered in perfect unison.

Emma shrugged the women strange behavior off. Seeing that Poppy was coming, with three plates balancing on her delicate hands, she couldn't help but smile.

"Good morning, Po-!" but her smile faded as she saw a purplish bruise on the girl's wrists.

Emma couldn't finish her sentence, staring at the slim hand. Even Viola and Ann looked up questioningly. "I accidentally hit them in the doorframe yesterday at dinner." Poppy smiled at everybody, taking away the empty dishes. "I put some chamomile cream onto it, so it's not hurting anymore." she added seeing, Viola's worried expression.

"I hope you are alright, dear. Next time tell me, we wouldn't want you to have a fracture." The older woman, slowly started to stir her morning tea, not taking her eyes off the raven-haired maid.

"I will, Miss Payne!" she bent her knees slightly and left.

"I swear, that girl will kill herself with her clumsiness..." Ann noted dryly, not really having an appetite anymore.

"Ann, would you come to my office after breakfast? I would like to discuss something with you." Viola took a sip, digging holes into Ann, as the woman was not willing to look up from her plate.

"Of course, cousin."

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