Chapter 5

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Viola was currently reading the morning newspaper, in front of her a full cup of tea, with some biscuits, when she took off her glasses. "What does them take so long?" the annoyance noticeable in her voice.

"Probably dressing up..." Ann said with her mouth full of scrambled eggs. "Doing makeup, hair and stuff like that."

"You know, I would appreciate, if you would first swallow the food and then speak." Miss Payne pinched her nose tiredly.

"Martha!" she yelled out suddenly.

"Yes, Miss?" the plump woman appeared immediately in the doorway holding a washing cloth. "Be so kind and bring me a coffee, since that girl couldn't do it... Make it strong."

"Of course, Miss Payne." Martha bowed slightly, then scurried off.

Combing through her iron curled, short brown hair, Viola was about to get upstairs to see where the two were at, when she heard giggling coming from the staircase.

"About time." the older woman snapped. "Poppy, I think I specifically told you that breakfast is in 10 minutes..." Emma stood astonished, as Poppy's laugh died. The maid took a submissive position, her head bowed, watching the wooden floor beneath her feet. In her shame, her lower lips started to quiver.

"Viola, it was my fault, I couldn't decide which dress should I wear today." The young girl smiled apologetically at the older woman, whose features softened.

"I told you it was all about dressing..." Ann muttered, digging into her sausages.

"Today I am going to the city, do you need anything?" Viola asked Emma. "Paper perhaps?"

"No, thank you." she nodded gratefully as Poppy placed a plate full of scrambled eggs in front of her. Then she walked over to her mistress, giving her the steaming cup of black coffee.

"I apologize Mistress, but I would like to have a few things, if you let me of course..." Poppy said shyly, waiting by the woman's side, as Viola took a small sip. "What would you like to have, Poppy?" the older woman dabbed at her lips carefully, not to smudge her nude lipstick.

The girl hesitated for a moment, and Viola understood. "Stay behind after breakfast." she ordered.

'Strange' Emma thought watching the two.


"Ma'am the car is ready!" Felix announced, as Poppy helped her coat on. Viola as always looked elegantly rich in her brown suit and heels; her hair curled as the latest fashion demanded.

"Thank you, Felix. I will be there in a minute!" She fixed her hat in the hallway mirror, while looking at Emma in the reflection. "Poppy and Ann will show you around the property." and with that she left with Felix, who was waiting for her in the driver seat of a brand-new Ford.

"Now, where should we begin?" Poppy clapped her hands together excitedly, but a scowl from Ann, made her smile disappear.

"Stable maybe?" Emma asked Ann, who was already hallway out the door. "That's a yes." Poppy whispered in the girl's ear, making Emma dizzy. Clearing her throat, she caught up with the two women, her legs almost giving up.

As it was morning, the air chilled Emma's exposed arms, goosebumps appearing all over her body. She should have brought a cardigan or a coat.

But when they stepped inside the huge stable, instant warm had hit her, with the smell off animals.

The Payne family owned 30 chickens, 15 pigs, 5 cows and 2 horses.

Poppy introduced everyone to Emma, who tried to hold back her laughter, as every animal had their own name.

"I always tell her not to name them...It only will be harder for her to eat them." Ann leaned against one of the wooden pillars, watching Poppy with longing Emma had not seen before.

"She-" the girl began, but the cheerful maid, came running with a small piglet under her arm. "This is Phoebe." she scratched the chin of the animal, which snuggled closer to the girl.

"Poppy, bring it back to her mother." Ann's strict voice made Poppy jump, scaring the piglet too, which started to squeal. "See what you have done?" the woman snatched the animal out of the scared girl's grip, quickly placing it back to the sow.

"I-I am so s-sorry Ann!" Poppy was on the verge of crying. "I already told you, that they are here to eat, not to pet!" the woman wasn't angry anymore, but her voice was still strict, placing one hand onto the shaking girl's shoulder.

Poppy, as she felt Ann's hand, huddled into the woman's embrace, squeezing the older woman with all her might, while quietly sobbing into her shirt.

And Emma looked away, feeling that she had just witnessed something way beyond friendship between the two females.


It turned out that the property had a huge vegetable garden section and a foil tent. The fruit trees and bushes were at the end of the land, about a 15-minute walk. Right next to the house was a well, which still provided the family with water, in case of an emergency.

Emma was amazed by how well functioning everything was. But as it was the Payne family's business she was not surprised.

As they slowly became at the end of their little tour, Ann bid them goodbye, saying that she needs to start working, leaving the young girls alone.

"Should we have a snack? Martha always makes something freshly baked this time." the maid asked excitedly, feeling hungry again.

"Sounds good to me." Emma smiled as Poppy linked their arms together, walking back to the house.

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