Chapter 3

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The long wooden table was filled with many-many delicious looking dishes, making Emma's stomach grumble alongside Ann's.

"Take a seat, please." Viola guided her to one of the chairs placed in the middle, while she and Ann sat opposite side of each other at the end of the table.

Poppy appeared, bringing two pitchers of tea, and a glass of beer. The latter of course for Ann. The raven-haired girl's hips swayed sensually as she placed the beverages on the table. Firstly, she went to Viola, who was already raising her cup for the girl.

Then, it was Emma's turn.

"Tea, Miss Armstrong?" she asked her quietly, not meeting her eyes.

"Yes, please." she watched as the shy girl poured her some tea, biting her lips in concentration.

"Thank you, Poppy." Viola dismissed the girl, who quickly ran back to the kitchen. "They are eating in the kitchen with Martha and Felix." the woman reassured the girl, seeing her questionable look. "Don't worry, they have enough. And now eat." she ordered.

Picking up a nice-looking chicken drum, she scooped a few spoons of mashed potatoes, and grilled veggies. Looking around chewing slowly, she could see Ann pilling food on her plate, and digging into it like she hadn't had anything in a week.

It was definitely hard to believe that these two were related. Viola barely had anything on her plate, maybe some meat and a small portion of rice, but she was eating slowly and delicately, controlling her every movement.

"So, Miss Armstrong-" Viola began.

"You can call me Emma." the girl smiled at the woman.

"Well, Emma." the woman tasted the newfound name carefully. "What are your plans after university?"

"You mean if I survive this war? My family want me to work in their factory, but honestly, it's just too monotone for me. I always wanted to be an author, but people don't buy books written by women, so maybe I will work at a newspaper."

"And the painting?" the woman was truly curious.

"I only do that as a hobby, but sometimes I do prefer it over writing." the girl admitted, taking a bite from a piece of broccoli.

"I see. I, myself find painting more relaxing than writing, but sometimes they can inspire each other." Emma nodded in agreement. Sometimes she felt the same. Whenever she had a writer's block, she would just go painting, letting her thoughts wander wherever they desired.

Looking around the spacious dining area, the walls were mostly dark blue with golden ornaments, and a few healthy green plants. Not a single picture.

"Miss Payne, can I ask something personal?" Emma asked timidly, not willing to meet the woman's eyes.

Viola and Ann stopped eating.

"Go on, darling." Viola encouraged her, with her hands, listening intently about what the girl wanted, while Ann went back sipping on her beer.

"So, uhm...Where are your husbands?" she slightly scratched her arm in distress.

Ann spit out the beer.

Viola just stared at the girl with wide eyed. But she quickly composed herself, with a gentle cough, gaining Ann's attention.

"My husband died a couple of years ago, and Ann...well, Ann never married a man." she finished quickly standing up from the table.

"Oh, I am sorry Miss Viola, I never intended to touch such a sensitive topic. My condolences." Emma stood up too, gently touching the older woman's hand. "I think I should go and sleep, it seems like my better judgment stayed at home with my parents." she chuckled awkwardly.

"Nonsense, darling. You couldn't have known." she patted the girl's hand with a sad smile. "Poppy will show your room, alright?" Viola was already glancing at the doorway, where the slender girl stood in her apron, her hands clasped in front of her again like a waiting puppy.

"Yes, Mistress." she whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. "Follow me, Miss Armstrong." Poppy turned around, starting slowly in the main stair's direction.

"Good night, everyone!" Emma called back to Martha, who stood in the kitchen door, waving her off with a huge smile.

Viola only nodded, while Ann said something under her breath, which no one heard.

'What a strange family...' Emma thought following the swaying hips on the stairs.


"This will be your room, Miss Armstrong. It's right next to mine." Poppy said excitedly. She opened the double door, which led into the most beautiful room Emma had ever seen. Huge windows were placed in front of them, right next to the small bedstand. The walls were snow-white, with little silver snowflake patterns, while the huge chandelier hanging in the middle was gold.

"Miss Viola wanted you to have the Winter Residency. She said it will inspire you." Poppy quickly made the bed as Emma stood in awe. No wonder Viola chose this particular room for her. As she walked closer to the windows, she could oversee the stables and right behind them the towering mountains in the background.

'She remembered.' Her short introduction in the newspaper contained her love for painting landscapes and animals.

Slightly out of breath, she could feel a few tears making its way down her face. It was truly breathtaking.

"You like it, Miss?" Poppy's voice brought her back to reality, as the maid had already packed her clothes into the wardrobe.

"Yes, thank you, Poppy." she made her way toward the white bed, covered in baldachin. "Where can I refresh myself?"

"I will bring water in a minute. Hot or cold?" the black-haired beauty asked, her blue eyes burying into Emma's brown one.

"Lukewarm will be good." she whispered, watching the girl exit the room in a hurry.

Emma, wandered around the room, seeing the snow-covered landscape paintings on the wall. Founding the porcelain sink in the corner of her new room, she looked into the mirror hung just above it.

She looked...well, disheveled. Clearly, she was in need for a good sleep.

Deciding to take her clothes off, she remained in only her undergarments, when Poppy arrived dragging a bucket full of steaming water.

"Would you like to bathe, or just refreshing, Miss Armstrong?" She was wheezing the last part.

"Just a quick refreshing." the girl nodded, and relief washed over her face, as she could finally pour the water in the beautifully crafted sink.

'Poor girl. She would probably need to bathe Ann and help Miss Viola too.'

"Do you need any help, Miss?" Poppy asked shyly, while she got the lady's evening gown from the hanger.

"No, thank you, you are good to go." Emma smiled at the girl

"There is a toilet at the end of the corridor and if you need anything, I am right here in the neighbor." Poppy motioned to the left, where her humble little bedroom laid. "Good night, Miss Armstrong!" she almost closed the door, when Emma yelled after her.

"You can call me Emma."

"Okay, Miss Emma." Poppy's flushed cheeks disappeared, as she shut the door gently.

'Beautiful' Emma looked around in her room, but it was the girl in the next room she thought about.

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