Chapter 2

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"Let me help you my lady" a railroad conductor offered his hand kindly towards the slightly shaking girl.

"Thank you, sir." she accepted the hand, taking a huge step down the small stair, her small foot touching the concrete floor safely. Looking around, her eyes landed on a woman standing in the shadows, holding a bigger paper in front of her.

Miss Emma Armstrong

Yes, that was her. Awkwardly she walked closer.

"Good day, ma'am, I am Miss Emma." she offered her hand for a shake, which the woman accepted, while throwing the paper in the bin next to her.

"It's Ann, Viola sent me to get you. Luggage?" the short and stocky woman looked around, searching for the girl's stuff.

"They are loading it off, right now." she pointed at the man, carrying down her bags carefully one by one.

"Jesus fuck, it will take some time then..." Ann ran her calloused hands over her short red hair in distress, then with a sigh she pulled out a box of cigarettes from her pockets, offering one to the stunned girl.

"I am not smoking but thank you." she mumbled, averting her eyes from the mannish woman.

She saw a few ladies wearing pants or trousers in London, but those were always fashionable, while Ann's had holes in them, and smelled like... well, horseshit and sweat.

Trying not to wrinkle her nose, she studied the woman's side profile, as she was puffing smoke in the cold evening air. Bushy eyebrows almost grown together, she had a sharp nose and small green eyes.

She was far from pretty.

"Ma'am your luggage is already loaded onto the carriage." the man stood stiff; his gloved hands clasped behind his back patiently.

"Oh, right, thank you!" Emma pulled out a few bills from her small purse giving it to the waiting man.

"Have a nice evening, sir." she added kindly.

"Let's get going, it's almost dinner time." Ann murmured, patting her growling stomach annoyed. "Follow me."

Emma quickly went after the grumpy woman, who stopped next to an old-fashioned carriage with two white horses at the front.

However, the girl had barely scanned her eyes over the animals and her luggage, as two strong hands lifted her up by the waist, tossing her not so gently on the plush seats. The poor girl let out a scared yelp, as her hat fell from her well-made locks.

"Excuse you-!" her cheeks grew red as she watched the woman, getting up easily in her seat. "You were too slow" came the simple answer, as Ann slapped the animals with a riding crop.

Quickly grabbing onto the carriage not to fall, Emma looked around in amazement, the station became smaller and smaller as they rode through the narrow cobble-stoned streets.

After a few minutes they arrived at the end of the small village of Bellingham, continuing their journey on the dirt road, through the forest.

They were both quiet, Ann not really wanting to start a conversation. All she could think of was her grumbling stomach.

When Payne Hill finally became visible, Emma couldn't hold back herself.

"I-Is that, where I am going to live?!" she awed seeing the white cobbled-stoned chateau.


The carriage stopped right in front of the steps, where four people stood patiently waiting for her arrival.

A caramel-colored man stepped forward helping her down gently. It was obvious that he spent his entire life working on the fields, gaining a sun-kissed tan, and some muscles due to the physical activity.

"Thank you!" she said quietly, watching as he bowed slightly and grabbed the first suitcase.

"Miss Armstrong!" a throaty but feminine voice called out, gaining her attention.

A tall, willowy woman stepped forward with a gentle smile. "I am happy you arrived safely, darling." she offered the girl her hand which she accepted gladly.

"Viola Payne, it's nice to see you finally in person." she softly squeezed the girl's hand. "Likewise, Miss Payne." she muttered taking in the woman standing in front of her.

Finally, a woman who wore a dress. Even though it was old-fashioned, it was the cloth of a higher-ranked lady. Her dark brown hair was pinned up into a bun, leaving her swan-like neck uncovered, with the small golden cross dangling on her chest. Only a couple of crowfeet showed her real age, beside her smooth skin.

Viola stood tall and straight as a twig. The whole woman was graceful. She reminded Emma of an old ballet dancer. 

But she was way too thin, not a single fat covering her body.

Letting go of the bony fingers, she looked behind Viola, seeing a younger woman her age.

"This is Poppy she is our maid and Martha is the cook of the house, they would help you in whatever you need. And of course, Felix is our stable hand."

Emma glanced at Martha, the slightly plump cook, but she couldn't keep her eyes off the beautiful raven-haired girl standing right behind her Mistress, her hands clasped in front of her shyly.

"I am hungry." Ann's grumpy voice was heard as she helped the man, Felix, with the last luggage.

It was way past Emma's dinner time, as the sun had already set, and crickets were chirping faintly next to them. It was around 20:45.

"Come on in then!" Martha clapped her hands together, while her faint accent disappeared in the house, as she hurried to set the table. "Poppy, help her with the dishes." the Mistress's calm voice dismissed her which made the shy girl jump slightly.

"Yes, ma'am." she bowed, and with a last glance in Emma's direction she went after the excited woman.

"I take Ann has already introduce herself, right?" Viola asked, one of her eyebrow's raising scoldingly at the redhaired woman trying to sneak inside.

"Well..." Emma rubbed her neck awkwardly, not wanting to get the woman in trouble

"She is my cousin, Annabelle Payne. She is in charge of the animals and our other outdoor businesses." Viola said more to her cousin than to Emma. "I hoped she will learn some manners but honestly, I think it's impossible." she muttered as Ann left without a word.

"But let's eat now, I hope you are hungry."

"I could eat." Emma admitted, as the food offered on the train was barely enough to satisfy her stomach.

"I am glad, Martha was so excited she cooked every kind of food you could think of." Viola chuckled, her throaty voice sending shivers down Emma's back. 

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