the past is the past

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The doorbell rung as Kelly helped her grandma to her bed. After she tucked her in, Kelly went to go see who was at the door, letting her grandma sleep. She opened the door and her lips curved into a frown after seeing who it was.

She didn't live in the best neighborhood, but crackheads didn't show up at her front door often. She clenched her jaw and crossed her arms as she stared back at the woman who failed to raise her.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Kelly, baby. Hi my baby. How are you? I heard you graduated, I'm so proud. So proud" she could hardly refrain from scratching her arms the whole time she was talking. "You a graduate now. I raised you right!"

"You didn't raise me at all" Kelly frowned looking the woman up and down in disgust. The audacity of her mother to come by and try and take credit for what she's accomplished was laughable.

"Oh don't be like that" she smiled scratching her neck. "I know you got some money, don't hold out on your mama. Remember, I'm still yo mama" she pointed out.

Kelly scoffed. She wasn't shocked that her mother would come here on thanksgiving day asking for money. It was quite pathetic if you asked her.

"You're nothing to me" she tried shutting the door in her face but her foot blocked it.

Her mother strongly pushed the door open and started attacking Kelly's pockets. Her mom never was this aggressive for money before. Not towards her at least. Kelly tried pushing her off but she was so persistent and aggressive she wouldn't budge.

"I know you got some money! Where is it?!"

"Get off of me!" Kelly pushed her, finally getting her away from her. That only made things worse though. Her mom came back with her fist closed and arms swinging. Kelly blocked her hits as she continued to attack her.

"You ungrateful little bitch!" She said, pushing her back roughly. "I gave you the world and you can't even drop a few dollars for me?"

Kelly didn't want to hit her mom, but was terrified. Terrified of what her mom would do to her if she didn't conform.

"Mama please" Kelly begged, putting her arms up in defense.

"Oh so you big now? You squaring up so I guess you big now" her mother closed her fists, getting ready to swing on her again. This time she was more angry than before. The look on her mothers face made Kelly burst into tears.

"No mama I'm not" Kelly cried while lowering her arms. "Just go, please. I don't have any money for you"

"Lying ass bitch" she said before her right fist connected to Kelly's bottom lip. Kelly tumbled onto the floor.

The front door swung open and Beyoncé came charging inside.

"Get off of her!" She yelled, flinging the woman away from Kelly. Kelly's eyes widened as she watched Beyoncé toss the elderly woman out the door. Her mom tripped behind the screen door and fell on the porch.

They weren't in her view anymore but she could hear them arguing coming from outside. She wanted to do something about it but she was just too scared to get off the floor.

Beyoncé came back inside a few minutes later and shut the door behind her. She kneeled down to where Kelly was laying.

"Kelly" she said grazing her hand across her cheek. Her lip wasn't bleeding too bad but she had a claw mark on her eyebrow. "Are you okay?"

It took her a while to finally acknowledged Beyoncé's presence. But once she did Beyoncé extended out her hand.

"I didn't need your help" Kelly rolled her eyes and got up on her own, leaving Beyoncé hanging.

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