More than Friends

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Beyoncé got through her last class of the day and was on her way home. Kelly's last class ends before hers because she was always in bed studying or doing homework by the time Beyoncé made it back to the dorm room.

She was more excited to come home now that they were practically together.

It was all still so new that she didn't know the boundaries. Like should she just walk in and kiss her? She has never been in a relationship so she didn't know what she was allowed to do.

"Heyyy," Beyoncé dragged as she walked inside. "Whatcha doin?" She asked setting her bag down. Kelly was pretty focused on what she was doing, she barely looked at Beyoncé.

"Studying these notes. This next test is gonna be short answers only so I have to remember everything"

Beyoncé nodded. She wanted to spend some time with Kelly but she figured she'd let her study. She went to the bathroom to take off her contact lenses. She didn't have any upcoming tests so she was bored.

She took off her clothes and put on her pink baby phat shorts and a white tank top. She laid down on her stomach, put on her glasses and opened up her favorite poetry book. She moved her hips side to side as she flipped through the pages. It was obvious she wasn't reading, she just wanted to get Kelly's attention.

Kelly looked over at her, seeing her very visible butt cheeks. Her boobs were nearly poking out of her tank top and it didn't help that she didn't have a bra on.

Kelly was completely distracted now.

Kelly groaned, giving in to Beyoncé's desperate cry out for attention. "Come here"

Beyoncé's face lit up at the two little words. Kelly playfully rolled her eyes as she watched Beyoncé prance over to her bed. She tossed her book aside as Beyoncé climbed on top of her.

She was leaning in to kiss her but stopped herself. "I forgot to take my glasses off" Beyoncé said, about to remove the accessory off of her face but Kelly stopped her from doing so.

"Keep them on" Kelly said while gently pushing her hair behind her ear. She thought she was beautiful in her natural state. Just being completely her was all the sex appeal she needed.

Beyoncé leaned down and kissed her lips. Kelly's hand rested on Beyoncé's ass. As their kiss intensified, the more ass she grabbed. Beyoncé was loving her hands on her body.

Kelly traveled her hands up her shirt. "Is this okay?" She asked. Beyoncé nodded, feeling chills shivering up her spine.

Kelly brought her lips back on hers while continuing to travel her hands up her shirt. They were soon met with her breasts. Her nipples were hard as a rock. Kelly could feel the goosebumps on her skin.

She parted from the kiss and put her lips on her neck. She sucked the tender part on her neck while she rubbed against her breasts. Beyoncé tilted her head and bit her lip. This was a new feeling for her. She was afraid that her moans would be too much if she opened her mouth.

Kelly lifted Beyoncé's shirt, fully exposing her boobs. Beyoncé's cheeks turned a shade of light pink. There was nothing she needed to be embarrassed about though. Kelly found her extremely gorgeous. In every way.

She kissed above her belly button and made her way up to her boobs. Her tongue circled around her nipple before she took her whole breast in her mouth.

Beyoncé gasped as a moan escaped her mouth. She was biting her lip hard but the feeling was too great to hide her reaction. Kelly grabbed her ass and pulled her closer. With Kelly's free hand she felt on her other breast, gently massaging her nipple. Beyoncé found herself slowly grinding on her.

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