Drive Late @ Night

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It was thanksgiving break and Beyoncé was more than excited to go visit her family. She didn't think she'd be homesick after leaving for college, but one thing she did miss was her mamas cooking.

She packed some clothes and all items she may need for the weekend and was on her way. She got in the car and patted her pockets. Of course she left the most important thing, her phone.

She went back to her dorm room and saw Kelly on her bed scrolling through her phone. She thought she had left already.

"What you still doing here? Are you not visiting anybody for the break?" Beyoncé asked.

"I guess not" Kelly mumbled as she scrolled through her phone.

"Why not?" Beyoncé asked, not meaning to pry but it was thanksgiving and no one should be alone for thanksgiving.

"My ride canceled on me last minute and I don't have a car"

"Your kidding," Beyoncé exaggerated. "You literally live in the same city as me, we can't be that far from each other. I can take you there"

Kelly narrowed her eyes. She didn't understand why Beyoncé would offer her something like that. They weren't even friends. But all of her friends just blew her off and her boyfriend just ended things with her. Beyoncé was her only option to visit her granny for the holiday.

"I mean.. I don't wanna put you out of your way" Kelly said.

"You won't be" Beyoncé waved her off. "Hurry, go pack something! I wanna leave before it gets too dark. I hate driving at night"

Kelly packed some clothes for the weekend and any accessories that she may need and hit the road with Beyoncé.

"Just a heads up, I'm obsessed with music. My playlist is completely random. Let me know if it's too loud for you" Beyoncé slid in her mixed CD. Her head bopped up and down as Children's Story by Slick Rick played.

Her playlist mostly consisted of r&b groups. Swv, Jodeci, and Silk. There were some ugk songs in there too with a sprinkle of 112. Beyoncé sang the whole ride, literally. Kelly thought her voice sounded angelic for a few songs, specifically Cupid. But after an hour of hearing Beyoncé sing nonstop, she was exhausted. She rested her head on the window and sighed. It was gonna be a long ride.

Beyoncé was so in the zone, she didn't notice that Kelly was fast asleep beside her. The clouds were starting to cover the sun and she wasn't even near Kelly's place yet. She mentally sighed. Kelly lived a lot further from her than she thought. If she drove Kelly all the way, it would for sure be dark by the time she got there.

She turned down the volume and lightly tapped her shoulder. Her eyes fluttered open as she turned towards Beyoncé.

"Don't hate me" Beyoncé started off. "Well.. don't hate me any more than you already do" she corrected herself in a joking manner. "But the suns already gone and I know it's gonna be too dark for me to drive you home today"

"Why are you so scared of the dark?" Kelly asked, not understanding the deal with her only driving in the daytime.

"I'm not" Beyoncé said defensively. "Is it okay if you just crash at my parents place until morning?"

Kelly pursed her lips. She couldn't say much because she doesn't have a car or license. There was no room for her to talk shit.

"I guess that's okay" Kelly said.

Beyoncé smiled. "Okay, I'll let them know you're coming"

Kelly bit her lip. She was afraid to ask, but she felt like Beyoncé told her family about her. She seemed so open during these past weeks that there's no way she kept it from them. She grew anxious as Beyoncé pulled up in the drive way.

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