Pretty Little Things

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It was finally Christmas break. Beyoncé was going home to spend Christmas weekend with her family. She was bringing Kelly with her again because it was her girlfriend now and she didn't want to spend this major holiday alone.

The first time Kelly met Beyoncé's family, it didn't go so well. They were all so defensive and hounding her. But Beyoncé wanted to visit them for the break. She promised Kelly that this time would be different. And hoped that her family wouldn't make her regret making that promise.

Before she even got on the road she called her mom and talked to her about it. She explained that she'd only come if they made her feel welcome. She was really upset with how they acted the first time.

Kelly was hesitant about coming but realized that at one point she would have to face her family. Beyoncé was a keeper and she knew that. She had to get in good with her family while she had the chance. She only hoped that they would let her start a clean slate.

They had arrived at her family's house. Just like before Kelly was shitting bricks as she walked towards the front door. Beyoncé reached for Kelly's hand and held it reassuringly. If her family really cared about her, they wouldn't treat her the way they did the last time she was here.

Especially now that they know Beyoncé had no problem leaving if Kelly felt the least bit uncomfortable.

The door opened and a large smile plastered on Tina's face. She hugged Beyoncé tightly and welcomed Kelly in with open arms. She hugged the girl for a short time before letting go and rushing them inside the house.

"You mind if I steal Kelly for a second?" Tina asked.

"Mama we just got here" Beyoncé mildly complained. She was terrified of them being alone together. Not more than Kelly though. Kelly looked at Beyoncé with wide eyes begging her to save her.

"Oh it will only be for a second" Tina shooed her and guided Kelly to the back, where her office was.

Kelly looked back at Beyoncé; who gave her apologetic eyes. Tina offered Kelly a seat and sat down herself. Kelly felt like she was interviewing for an internship at a big company. She didn't know how this conversation was about to go, so she had to tread lightly and make her mother happy.

"So you're dating my daughter now, huh?" She asked knowingly.

"Yes.. I am" Kelly said while nervously fiddling with her fingers. Tina's tone and glare was so intimidating.

"Well you better not make her cry this time around or I will find you and hunt you down. I mean it, Kelendria"

"You don't have to worry about me Ms. Knowles, I'll do everything I can to keep Beyoncé happy"

That wasn't the end of their conversation though. Tina wanted to know more about Kelly so she drilled her down. Kelly never had her ex's parent grill her like this before. They were in the back talking for about an hour.

Beyoncé impatiently waited in the other room because her mom said that it would only be for a second. She should've known that was a lie. She just up and stole her girlfriend.

"Alright, well I'm gonna go pick Solange up from her music lessons" Tina said to Beyoncé, finally coming out of the room with Kelly behind her.

"Mama why didn't you tell me? I could've gone and picked her up" Beyoncé said. She was sitting here for all this time she could've went and got her sister.

Tina shook her head and frowned a bit. "No, no. You don't need to be doing all that driving. I'm glad you made it home safely"

Beyoncé nodded her head and averted her eyes. Kelly placed her hand on the small of her back, seeing the sudden mood change from her. She wasn't sure what Tina said that made her look so upset.

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