C H A P T E R 6

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Manik said trying to cover up his feelings in front of his guards and friends. They were looking at him with questioning eyes

'Very well. This girl doesn't look scared at all but her bad. She caught us on her camera. I cant let her get away with this. David!'

He called his guard David

'Yes boss '

'I want her back at my house along with that girl who was with her that night. No matter what I want her all to myself and by today got it'

David got his orders, creating all possible scenarios in his head he obliged

'Yes boss'

Dhruv interrupted

'Are you sure about this? They are powerful'

Yeah he is right. BBC never feared anyone. They hired trained and experienced investigators. Hence they hold all the power and not BBC

BBC does not involve in the fights, the investigators put themselves into risk due to this job

'I'm sure about this Dhruv. David leave'

David bowed to his king and left getting to work.

'You are behaving like a desperate teenager who desires love'

Dhruv's comment made Manik stop and slip back into the past


When Dhruv told me that I was behaving like a desperate teenager who desires love I was blank. Does Dhruv know reading minds?

'Why are you doing this Buddy?'

I know Dhruv has the curiosity to know why am doing this for that wild Cat. I still remember the scenes of that night.


All the memories of those bustling roads are coming back to me. The thunders roared again and I flinched. My back hit the park bench. It was dark already.

I closed my ears and eyes tightly trying to get rid of those memories. Come on Manik don't be scared you are not a kid anymore. Suddenly I felt a touch

It's a girl. She is drenched in the rain, she is looking at me intently

'Hey are u scared?'

Her soft gaze was comforting. Her warm hand on my shoulder gave me comfort. It felt like it was okay to accept vulnerability under her watch. I'm shivering I can feel it

'I'm hate thunder storms'

'It's nothing to be scared of can u come out?'

She took my hand in hers and tried to pull me up. I held my grounds. I'm scared

'I'm scared'

'Trust me, you are gonna be okay. Come out if you stay here you might get sick there is a bus stop nearby.'

I came out from under the bench. Again the clouds roared and this time i teared up. She looked at me and spoke softly

'Calm down bad clouds we will take revenge okay I can scold the clouds for you. How dare you scare this pure innocent soul? Imma kill you clouds'

Her childish antics made me laugh. She was trying to scare them away.

'Why are you scared though?'

Can I tell her? She is a complete stranger. She noticed my hesitation and told me it was okay if I didn't want to share it. Something in me made me tell her everything.

'I was 5 maybe I was lost and I had to deal with the storm I was afraid and alone in a busy place. These thunders remind me of those days.'

'Its okay. You were alone that day but now I'm with you. I will scold the clouds till it would start crying . How dare that white and grey little creature do this to you?'

She was glaring at those clouds. Too cute to resist. She looked like an angel. Like a guardian angel.

'If ever you are reminded of that time here keep this hair tie with you. Think that I'm with you scaring away the cloud like this'

She did that till the clouds stopped roaring and raining. I enjoyed her company and trust me I felt she was my guardian angel at that moment. She felt like my Lifeline.

That day I overcame my fear for lightening and thunders. She is the only one who has seen that I was vulnerable too.

Although she forgot me after that day. She doesn't remember me but I remember her. She, her face, those eyes, they were and are pure. She is pure. I tried to find her but couldn't.

It was as if she never existed and finally I saw her now. This time I didn't wanna lose her. I wanted to keep her all to myself. I know I'm being selfish. But I needed her.

One thing about that day was she thought I was innocent.

'Was I really Inn.. innocent?'

That word is stuttered in my thoughts as well. Did I look INNOCENT to her? Really this cold blooded murderer. I was a murdered then I am a murderer now. I was never innocent. Right.

Dhruv was looking confused by my silence. He is demanding an answer.

'You wouldn't understand Dhruv. Just think I do desire love.'


Neha was scolding Nandini. After returning the car at the Chambers of coffee, Nandini called Neha to pick her up. She told her every thing

'Nandini don't you think you were too brave to return that car key at chambers.'

Nandini was trying to justify her actions but Neha was not buying it. She was looking pissed at her stunt

'Neha, If I wouldn't then he could easily track us through that car. I didn't want that to happened.'

As they took a diversion they were suddenly surrounded by 6 bikes two cars from front and behind. They had no option other than following their routes

The convoy stopped at an abandoned place. Nandini and Neha got out of the car. The bikers came forward before they could react

A handkerchief was placed on their mouths and their hands were being tied. Now obviously they weren't stupid to breath.

Struggling for freedom they threw kicks on every other thing and might have broken a few noses as well.

Soon they got held by 6-7 people they were injected with drugs and that caused them to faint. Those people dragged them to car and threw them in the back seat

'Ouch my nose'

One of them spoke while cleaning his bleeding nose. The other man held his jaw caressing it to ease the pain

'My jaw hurts Dude this girl I so want to kill her'

David who was sitting in the passenger seat turned back

'Don't you dare. Boss will kill you'


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