✹thirty nine✹

Start from the beginning

Rhena glared at the man and turned to her army. Air filled her lungs as she prepared for her first commands. "Unsullied." She yelled. The sound of her voice traveled to the far wall and back to her. The army before her hit their spears to their shields, recognizing her as their new leader. New master.

The silence around them was thick. So thick that Rhena almost wished that her sword could cut it. She was sure that it could.

"What is this treachery?" The master was glaring openly at Rhena now, no reason to be civil or kind. Missandi was staring in awe.

Rhena turned to the master, scourge still clutched by her slender fingers. "I am Rhena Starborn, first of my name, of the House Targaryen. Born of the blood of Valyria." Her two sons came to flank each side of her.

"Valyrian is our mother tongue." Tyros' voice was strong and picked up after his mother's without a flaw.

Aryen gripped the pommel of his sword. "A dragon is not a slave."

Rhena straightened further, eased by the approval and support of her sons. She turned, facing the massive army before her. In another life, perhaps she would have been standing before Lannister men, draped in red and gold.

"Unsullied!" Her voice was a war cry. As strong as any Dothraki and as powerful as a liege lord commanding his men. "Slay the masters, slay the soldiers. Slay any man who holds a whip. Spare the children, and strike the chains of any slave."

The first to move was quick to the kill. Three masters lay dead on the earth by the time her last command left her lips. The cries of the master behind her made her skin crawl. This man had ruined so many lives, and promised to ruin hers multiple times.

Rhena unsheathed the golden sword. A gift from Jaime, still yet to be named. The lion on the pommel glittered in the sun. Lannister gold. She hoped that she would one day use it to end Tywin's Lannister daughter, and her Lannister children.

However, ending the master holding her child would have to do for present. The man's scream as she embedded her sword into his stomach eased her nerves. To see the light fade from his eyes as he watched his empire fall, made every offense from his foul mouth worthwhile.

Aryen and Tyros were off with the unsullied, slaying masters and freeing slaves as they went. Rhena was proud of her sons that day.

"Dracarys!" She shouted. Rhaegan heard her from above, and snapped her head to the fallen master who had treated her and her mother with such disrespect. Rhena stepped back as the flames consumed his corpse.

✵ ✵ ✵ ✵

Cersei stormed into Jaime's private chambers in a rage. Through his post-surgical haze, Jaime could faintly register that it was her by the crimson of her dress and the gold of her hair. As his eyes cleared, so did her face, until she was before him in her full glory. Anger and all.

Jaime had fantasized about the moment of their reunion for the past year. Cersei would be happy, he would like to think.

She was not.

He thought that perhaps she would shed a tear for his return.

She did not.

Maybe she would even grant him a lover's kiss.

She did no such thing. In fact, Cersei hardly looked at him before making a beeline to the wine table.

She did not pour him a glass.

"Cersei," he breathed out, reaching up, as if to cup her face or thread his fingers through her hair. She drew back before he could make contact, a disgusted sneer washing over her face. Her eyes were glued to something, drawn to his hand as if it were a disease that she was both fascinated and frightened by.

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