✹thirty seven✹

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╣he's beautiful cella╠

"The North has surrendered." The comment was so out of the blue and without context that Arya almost let it slide without notice.


"I'm sorry?" She asked, mind trying to formulate some sort of explanation on her own.

Tywin sat across from her as she sorted through his piles of papers. One pile for laws, one for family, and one for war. Her fingers had stilled against the parchment. "You heard me. Your brother was invited to a wedding between his uncle and a Frey girl. He, in stupidity or genius, failed to attend."

"Why is that important?" she asked, wanting to know the true reason behind her brother's surrender.

Tywin sighed and set down his quill. "It is important because I was going to kill him at that wedding. I killed half of his banner-men instead." He said, as if discussing the day's weather.

Arya's breath caught and she briefly registered the crumple of paper between her slender fingers. "You have broken the guest right." She accused.

"Yes I have." Tywin didn't seem to mind at all that he went against the gods laws. Though she shouldn't be so surprised, Tywin Lannister was the closest thing to a god in living memory. "But it saved thousands of Lannister soldiers." He paused and looked her dead in the eye. "And Stark soldiers. Twenty men died at dinner for thousands of men on the battlefield?" He asked. "I think I'll take the gods wrath."

Arya was left dumbfounded in her seat, nothing in her wanting to sort paper.

"Winter, like your family likes to remind us, is coming. I do not want to be in the middle of a war while it is upon us." Tywin picked up his quill again and began to write. "Your mother is a strong woman, but she is blind when it comes to her children. She released Jaime in exchange for you and your sister. That shook the North far more than she intended. Half of your brother's lords were ready to rebel. They were tired and weak and far from home. Ned Stark did not seem like a good enough reason anymore. I offered them peace. Peace in the form of your sister and your goodbrother."

Arya had to think for a moment. "I have a goodbrother?" She asked, voice quiet.

"Yes. Your sister was wed not a week ago to my youngest son." Arya grimaced at the thought of her perfect sweet sister married to the imp. "They will return to Winterfell and watch over the goings of the North with my granddaughter Myrcella. Should even a whisper of rebellion come from Tyrion or Myrcella, I will reign hellfire down upon Winterfell's halls."

"I would rather there be a war than surrender." Tywin could hardly hear her but he did hear her.

He placed his quill down again and stood, staring the young Stark girl down. "Your brother can keep his life." He said, voice a thunder in the quiet room. "Not only that, but he can keep his ancestral home and seat. He is still Lord Stark of Winterfell as his children will be after him. I do not particularly enjoy unseating a house with a line even more ancient than mine."

•𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖉𝖚𝖘𝖙 • Jaime Lannister OCWhere stories live. Discover now