Hookers are Hot

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"You are such an asshole.'' I told Dallas as we walked down the sidewalk. "Why'd you say that?'' I asked him with a slightly raised tone. "For kicks." he shrugged, lighting a cigarette. I just became more pissier. "C'mon Q, we both know if you weren't into women, you'd be all over me." he told me. I was into both, I knew that. But how could he say shit like that?

"Whatever." I mumbled, kicking a rock. If it had been any other person, I would have been yelling and screaming at them. Something about him made it so I was physically unable to hurt his feelings. It made me so goddamn mad sometimes.

I could feel my eyes get wet. Why the hell was I crying? I've cried two times in the past two weeks and it was starting to get on my nerves. Maybe it was because I was letting my feelings out towards a boy I didn't really know, or I had feelings for him. It was confusing me, maybe that's why I was crying.

"Maybe she's right." I said out of nowhere. Maybe my mother was right. Maybe I had absolutely no chance in the life I wanted. Maybe I was too full of myself to get into school.

"About what?" Dallas asked me, looking straight into my eyes. "Maybe i should just try to find i guy i like well enough to make me a fucking maid." i sighed, shoving my hands in my pockets. Dallas laughed. "Thats the stupidest fucking thing ive ever heard you say, Q." he stated, blowing smoke from his cigarette.

"Is it? Is it stupid? I don't wanna go my entire life being judged for doing something a goddamn man can do, Dallas. People think women are just some helpless idiots that do whatever a man tells them. I wouldn't be surprised if I got turned down, just cause I'm a girl." i argued with him, he just kept laughing.

"You wont get turned down-." he started. "How the fuck do you know?" i raised my voice unitentelly. "Im not one to talk about fuckin' faith here Q, but you runnin' yourself down about fuckin' plane school is the stupidest shit ive ever heard. You talk about your father as if he were a god at it, you say you flew with him when you were 14, 15 years old, man. How many kids got that same experience? Steve's old man was his RIO, or some shit, so your name must mean somethin' around there." he raised his voice back at me. "You're one of the smartest chicks I know man, I'm not sayin' that to impress ya or something, I actually mean it. So if you wanna run yourself down, do it somewhere else. Not while youre with me. I dont wanna listen to absolute bullshit." He took a drag of his cigarette and started walking again.

"Don't let that mother of yours put shit in your head, alright?. Look at who she's marrying man, that should tell you something." He dropped the end of his cigarette and crushed it with his foot. I just stayed silent and thought about what he said.

After a few minutes, my eyes were still glossy and I crossed my arms in front of me, looking at the cracked sidewalk. Dallas kept glancing at me every 40 seconds, he eventually just pulled out his cigarette and light, then lit one.

"You need it more than I do." He gave me a weed. I took a long drag of it, almost to the point I coughed it all up. I exhaled the smoke quickly, slightly coughing as I left my mouth. Dallas laughed as I continued coughing, I was trying not to laugh also.

"You free tonight?" he asked me. "Depends." i said bluntly, taking a drag of my cigarette. "Party at Bucks tonight?" Hell yeah I'm free. "Yeah, I'll go." I exhaled the smoke. "I'm gonna go see what Johnny's doin'. You can come if you want." he told me. The sun was starting to set, meaning it was well past 6/7 o'clock.

"Nah, see ya at Bucks though." I turned and started walking back towards my house, thinking about what was going to happen.

Once I got home I first checked the time, 8:00, great!! My mom and Matt were in the living room watching television, they hadn't even noticed I was home. Yipee.

I ran to my room and looked at my wardrobe. I picked up a red cropped shirt that had a low V neck and was sleeveless.. Then a pair of medium waisted jean shorts and brought them to the bathroom to change into after a shower.

I wasn't used to wearing these kinds of clothes, but I looked great in them. I kind of looked like a whore, but you got to give them credit. Most hookers are hot. And besides, I would take whore as a compliment. Especially in a bar.

It was 9:15 and I was running my fingers through my now dried hair. My hair has recently been giving me good days, like for the past couple days the curls in it have been perfect. The spiral strands starting at the top of my head and the last two inches of it being pin straight. It looked good.

I slipped my the black leather jacket I laid out on my bed, and my pair of converse. I frankly don't have any other shoes other than boots and converse. I guess I didn't really care that much.

There was no way in hell I would be walking at this time of night. It didn't matter if I was in Tulsa Oklahoma or Las Vegas Nevada, I would never walk alone unless I absolutely had to at 9:30 at night. Especially wearing these kinds of clothes.

Drugs for Love // Dallas WinstonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant