Bedsheets with a Weed

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I could really go for a smoke right now.

I walked into a gas station, the DX I think. There was a boy at the register that was attractive, and one in the garage. I didn't really care though, i wasn't looking for anyone right now. As far as i was concerned, all men were douchebags.

I walked up to the counter and the guy smiled at me, "what can i get ya?" he asked with a smile. He had a really nice smile. "Could i get a couple packs of Kools?" i hoped he wouldnt ask for my age. He reached up and got the cigarettes, "aren't you a little young?" he laughed. I handed him two dollars. "Maybe, but we all got faults." i told him. He nodded and handed me fifty cents in change. "Have a great day." he told me. I didn't reply.

I immediately opened the package and threw away my empty one in a neatby trash can. I lit one up and inhaled the drug, I felt back at home in some ways. Mom says people that smoke are low class idiots. I told her to mind her business and not worry about it. She still worries about it.

I walked down the sidewalk while smoking the same cigarette. There was a group of guys walking my way, one had a brown leather jacket one, he was real good looking. Another with tan skin, black hair and a denim jacket. And a younger one that was dressed in a muscle shirt and jeans. I found the one in the leather jacket the most attractive.

As I walked past them, they got out of my way and looked back at me. I heard one mumble 'she's hot'. I just rolled my eyes and continued to walk down the sidewalk.

After an hour of walking down the road and in random stores, I went home. I knew I was gonna get yelled at for staying out after dark, but whatever. I got yelled at everyday.

I opened the door, then it started. "Where have you been!?" Matt yelled. I rolled my eyes and started walking to my room. "Huh?! Did you not hear me kid?!" he grabbed my shoulder and shoved me into the wall. As I said before, nine times out of ten it got physical.

"Litterialy get off my ass!" I yelled back at him, that didn't make him too happy. "Your mother was worried sick about you." he told me. "Tough shit." I spat in his face. He backhanded me on the left side of my face, not hard enough to leave a visible bruise. "Where were you?" he asked me. I wasn't in the mood to throw fists, even if it was at Matt. "I was out seeing what this shithole town is like. Now get the fuck off me man." I pushed him off my and gave him a glare as I got to my room.

I slammed my door behind me and laid down on my bed. I hated the new life I had. Especially the new people in it, the assholes actually. I just had so much hatred in my life, towards Matt, towards mom, towards myself also. God why did I have to be this way.

I heard a knock at my door, a soft knock. I sighed and walked towards the door. My mom stood in the doorway.

My family was overall tall, I was 5' 10 ½" my mom was the shortest, being 5'5". I basically towered over her. "Yeah?" i asked her. "You need to take Chrissy to school tomorrow and pick her up at 3:30. Okay?" she smiled down at me. I groaned and threw my hands up in the air. I would rather do anything else. "Okay." I said. She smiled. "There's pizza in the kitchen if you want any." she said. I didn't respond, i just walked past her.

I went to the kitchen and there stood Matt with a beer in his hands. He wasn't an alcoholic, but he drank some. I did too. I could hold my liquor real well, he couldn't. I grabbed a beer and a slice of pizza and walked to my room, not saying anything to anyone.

I changed into a pair of lounge shorts and took my shirt off. It was late and I planned on going to bed. I lit a cigarette and let it dangle from my lips as I put sheets on my bed in a shitty way. Just as I finished, I heard a knock at my door. I opened it, there stood Matt.

"You heard your mother correct? You're taking Chris to school tomorrow?" he asked me. "Yeah i know." i still had my shitty attitude from earlier. I slammed the door in his face and walked back to bed, knowing I wouldn't get any sleep.

Sorry there isn't any Dallas yet. But I want y'all to know the background and shit, Ya know?

-Via :)

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