Playboys, Man

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I woke up sleeping on my stomach with both arms above me, like I always did. Dallas got up and put a new shirt on once he noticed I was awake. "I can take you home if you want." he offers. "My cars' parked behind here, all you'd be doin' is riding with me." I said with a raspy voice. My voice was always like that in the morning, deep, raspy, and it sounded like I smoked five packs a day.

"Then I guess I'm riding with you." he told me. asshole. I got up and stretched my back, hearing a hundred pops in it as I walked a couple steps. I looked in the mirror he had, I looked like I did every morning: hot. I attempted to brush out my hair with my hands, it kinda worked. I ended up throwing it into a bun and leaving it.

We both walked out to the car i stupidly parked behind the bar. I opened the door, I never lock my car. Its really stupid, but who would want to buy this peice of shit? No one.

Dallas got into the passenger seat and I got into the driver seat. "Oh shit." I started checking my pockets hurriedly. "That dick took my fucking keys." I said, throwing my head back and hitting the steering wheel.

I leaned over to where the glove compartment was and opened it, revealing the drug stash I had in there, along with the second pair of keys. I had four copies of them. One I carried with me, one I left in the car, the other two were at home. I figured the more the better.

"Jesus christ." Dallas stated as he saw the drugs. "Litterialy shut up." I stated more harshly than i expected, i meant for it to be a joke. I got the keys out of the glove compartment and put them in the ignition. I started driving down the road.

"You ain't a soc are you?" i looked at him funny. "A soc?'' I asked. "Yeah, like rich, wealthy." he explained. We weren't rich, that's for sure. "No, I ain't a soc." I said, still not really understanding the terms of it. "If i was a soc, would it make a difference?'' I asked, not really caring what he said. "No, it wouldn't. You just strike me more of a greaser. Your attitude, your style, it just screams greaser. And were heading towards the south side of town." he explained. "Im just taking this route cause its less busy.'' I shrugged my shoulders.

I pulled up to the driveway of my house, no cars were there. Good. it was Friday, meaning mom would most likely get home late and Matt, well, Matt would get home whenever he got home. "You can come in if you want." I grabbed the keys out of the ignition and got out.

Surprisingly, he followed me into the house. There were papers everywhere from my mom's work, and Matt, well Matt was a piece of shit so he had his own mess.

"Your mom a writer or something?" Dallas asked, picking up a stack of papers. "Yeah, she's written a lot of books." I answered, looking at him. I could see his eyes going left to right, reading the paper. He never struck me as the type of person to read.

I walked back to my room and started to open my drawers. I was looking for a paper. I opened the top three and looked through them, then the next two drawers, then the next ones. I couldn't find it. Dallas walked in and looked around my room. I didn't mind, I just wanted to find this damn paper.

It hit me. "That piece of shit." I said under my breath. I swiftly got up and practically ran to my mothers room, a confused Dallas followed me. I opened the door and went to her closet, getting down box after box of crap she had to bring. "What the hell are you looking for?" Dallas asked me. I didn't answer him, I just brought down the last box.

There it was. The folder with all my school shit in it. I grabbed it and put all the boxes up where I found them, then walked out to the kitchen.

Dallas walked over to the fridge and took a coke out, I didn't mind. "So what is that?" he asked, looking over my shoulder. "GPA, grades, and My application to the Naval Fighter School." I kinda laughed at the last part. I feel like a little kid named that school.

"I thought you dropped out?" Dallas asked me. I looked at him with raised eyebrows. "Nope." was all i said. I don't even know where he got the idea that I 'dropped out'. Im not a fucking idiot, or dumbass.

The door opened, then it slammed. Dallas and I both saw Matt walk through the door with his bag over his shoulder. "You two fuckin' now?" He laughed, he thought that was funny? "How fuckin loopy are you?" I closed the folder and stood up. "What? I asked a logical question? He seems like the type you'd go for," he laughed. What the hell was he laughing about?

"What exactly is my type?" I straightened my posture and looked at him. "Oh ya know, playboy type man." I could feel the tension in the room, I could also feel my nails digging into my fists. "Q, let's go." I heard Dallas whisper in my ear. Matt had the fuckin grin on his face, he opened his mouth to say something again, thats when my fist hit his jaw. Not hard enough to send him to the ground, but hard enough to knock sense into him. "Save it asshole.'' I said as I walked out and towards the door.

We both had silently agreed to walk to wherever we were going. "You okay?" Dallas asked me after a couple of minutes. "Yeah. I'm fine." I said sharply, reaching into my pocket for the pack of cigarettes.

"Why'd you let him talk to you like that?" I asked while lighting a cigarette. "Cause it's the truth." He stated shortly. I looked at him with a confused look. "The few things he said about me, the playboy shit, it's true. I could run through broads like I run through cigarettes." He stated. I didn't answer him, just kept walking, not really accepting what I just heard.

Dallas just walked beside me with bud hands stuffed in his pockets. "I'm like that too." I stated out of nowhere. Dallas looked up at me and grinned. "No way." He laughed. "Ya know that night he came to the bar and asked if we fucked?" I kicked my feet on the gravel. "If you would have been any other guy, the answer would have been yes." I laughed, he just took another drag of his cigarette. "I know where you get that dick personality from now, Q."

A few minutes had passed until Dallas decided to speak up again. "Ya know, my friends and I are goin' to the nightly double tonight. Wanna join?" He asked. I didn't even have to think about that. "Yeah, sure." I replied to him, taking a long drag of my cigarette. 

Drugs for Love // Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now