Chapter 36

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Even Bakugou had to admit that watching the pink woman and the tall lanky black haired man just standing there blinking there large round eyes at the dark haired omega who was sitting comfortably on his couch smirking widely at her old classmates who were struggling to place the strange omega woman who apparently knew them. It was clear as day the two did not recognize the woman right away. Then again Bakugou probably would not have noticed either had it not been for Kirishima who was truly the one to remember her.

"It's Sakaki you bone heads," Bakugou growled after giving the two a solid minute and they still had not realized it. The surprise on their faces had the woman cackling up a storm as she sat on the couch. Mina was quick to rush to the girl nearly jumping around like an idiot.

"No way. Is it really Sakaki Shinzuko? And OMG you're an omega! Girl! Why did I not know?" Mina was off as she leaned over to pretty much smash the dark haired woman's head into her chest as she engulfed her in a hug. Which was when Kirishima and Sasara had walked into the living room each holding a bowl of chips.

"Ashido I can't breathe," she growled at the pink woman who was smothering her before she dropped her arms and took a step back.

"Okay one question at a time. Yes I am omega and I hid it the entire time we were at UA. Because high school was hard enough trying to be a hero I did not need my second gender to be an even bigger hindrance. I never told anyone willingly," she said simply trying to answer the questions that the other woman had asked.

"Awe I feel so betrayed I never knew, who all knows now?" Ashido asked seemingly a little hung up on this new information of her old friend.

"Well Kirishima and Bakugou knew since I've been stuck working with them. I'm sure lots of others have noticed I don't suppress as heavily as I used to. I still wear scent blockers on patrol to be safe. But I do not go out of my way to hide it anymore," she said simply with a shrug of her shoulders. She also did not flaunt being an omega hero. She was well aware of the stigma around how they were only good for rescue missions and the like. And that was not Sakaki's taste in work. She was also aware of the dangers of an unclaimed omega fighting villain's. One wrong move and she could find herself claimed by one. And after watching the complete hell it had put Sasara through it was not something she ever wished to experience.

"Well it is so good to see you again. It has been so long. Kiri said you have been working for Miruko. That must be nice working for such a top rank pro. But you have been with the guys now for what two or three weeks?" Mina was once again going off. Her hands waving around softly she always had been easily worked up. Add that to the woman's overly friendly nature and she was just going off with questions.

"I see you have not changed Ashido," the dark haired woman said, smiling softly at the pink woman. But also it was an easy way to avoid answering the barrage of questions. She watched as the woman pouted softly.

"You don't have to be so formal. We are old friends just call me Mina," she said pouting softly as the dark haired woman still called her by her last name. She always called people by their last names. The only exception was Sasara, she was the only person she called by their first name typically.

Luckily in that moment Sero had walked up to the pink woman and offered her a beer before offering the dark haired woman one as well. Which earned the man a thanks from them both. Now it was Sakaki's turn to smirk playfully at the pink haired woman.

"Enough about me. What about you? When were you gonna say anything about you and Sero?" Sakaki asked, smirking with a playful wiggle of her eyebrows which had both the pink haired woman and the tall lanky man blushing.

"It's not like that," the pink haired woman was oddly stuttering and blushing as if she could not go any more pink than she normally was. But even Sero was blushing. Sakaki struggled to contain her giggles as she watched the two standing in the living room each shifting from foot to foot embarrassed.

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