Chapter 15

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Author note: I'm going for surgery next week and as such chapters may end up not being posted as regularly as they are now. So if you notice chapters not being posted for a week or two that's why. I'm hoping while on bed rest after the surgery ill be able to pump out chapters but I'm not sure depending on how good or bad I'm feeling I may or may not get anything written.

Bakugou was the first to move as he darted for her. For his large bulky size he was indeed faster than a person would expect. But this was nothing new for her. He had always been fast, but Miruko was fast too and she learned quickly to be just as fast herself. It came down to knowing she couldn't out muscle him. That's where she needed to be careful. But so far he was as predictable as he was in high school. He swung with a right hook but it was the left one that was the real concern. Dodging the right is easy enough and she knew the left one was coming as she stepped to the side grabbing his wrist and arm before pushing him past her forcing him to continue forwards. He seemed surprised that she had been able to dodge both of his attacks.

Of course Bakugou growled unhappy as he continued to strike out at her to which she easily dodged. Sure for his size Bakugou was quick on his feet. But she was quicker. It was Bakugou who was the one surprised. Sakaki had grown much faster than she had been in high school. She rarely lasted more than a minute or two but now Bakugou couldn't get his hands on the woman. She may have been on the offensive and had yet to get a strike in. Still she was willingly playing offensive, letting him get even more angry every time he couldn't grab or hit her.

It was her strategy, she was smart she knew eventually his anger would get the best of him and he would eventually get sloppy giving her an opening she could actually use against such a strong and fast opponent. The biggest issue with that plan was who had more stamina? Would Sakaki's stamina last as long as Bakugou's control over his temper? In the past her plan would have gone off without a hitch. But it quickly became apparent that Bakugou had matured enough to not let a battle rile him up.

"Oh look at you not yelling die at me every time you throw a punch," she was trying to mock him and get him upset more quickly. Though it didn't work as well as she would have liked.

"That's big coming from someone who's only running away," he sneered at her as the two continued their little dance of Bakugou striking out at her and her dodging and trying to keep out of his reach. Though she could already feel her arms bruising in a few spots. Which made sense when she could see the same bruising forming on Bakugou's arms. Geez though when his arms collided with hers to be blocked it felt more like someone was beating her arms with a baseball bat. It's why she was now trying to stay out of his reach for attacks outside of a punch or kick.

She had been trying to rile him up but instead she was the one finding herself growing more irritated. Damn it! It was supposed to be the other way around with her pissing him off not him pissing her off. She could even feel an eye twitch as she was forced to dodge and avoid him while Bakugou was more than happy to smirk and remind her of how useless she was being. Which in turn only did the job to rile her up more. It didn't help she could feel her muscles starting to complain, her body screamed for more oxygen then she was currently able to gasp in.

Her new strategy was to try and aim for weak and vital points. After all sure Bakugou was covered in muscle but he did not have the ability to harden like Kirishima meaning her blows would still hurt. Though that was easier said than done as she barely dodged his outstretched hand trying to grab her as she danced around the side of him before driving her elbow as hard as she could under his last rib.

She could hear him grunt with pain but that didn't stop him from turning on a dime. Hand grabbing her, in a last ditch effort to get free she hooked her foot around the back of his knee and pulling hard was able to off balance him. Though his hold never broke, which forced the two to topple over together. Not wanting to fall back on her, Bakugou had pulled back enough so that it was his back that had hit the ground. She was quick to straddle him trying in a sad attempt to keep him pinned as her legs tried to keep his thighs pinned and her hands grappled with his to see who could grab the others wrists. But it didn't matter her smaller form and the slight distraction of fighting for his wrists had her finding herself quickly pinned beneath him.

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