Chapter 14

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Once the kitchen was cleaned up after eating, Sakaki then had the joy of trying to force Hatori to leave. This kid was ready to camp out in the men's living room. It was like the jeep all over again. But this time it was worse. There was no amount of bribing that was going to get him willingly out the front door. Of course Kirishima didn't seem bothered by the child's tantrum in their living room as he refused to unfuse himself from Kirishima's leg. The kid knew how to get his way with the red head it seemed since Kirishima could not bring himself to forcefully pry the child off his own body. Bakugou was just sitting in a recliner scowling as always just watching the shit show that was Sakaki and Kirishima trying to talk the kid into letting go. He would never admit it but it was rather entertaining to watch. In the end the kid won out at least in his mind. Sakaki ended up having to wait till he passed out before she could pick him up from the couch without him attaching himself to Kirishima. But now came the issue of did Sakaki want to carry a sleeping kid home? Not really but she had no choice now as she carefully picked the boy up leaning his head into her chest and shoulder so she could carefully move without waking him.

"I'm so sorry about him. He's usually not too bad," she whispered softly as her empty hand moved to grab his backpack . Only to watch it be snatched up before she could get it. She almost expected Bakugou to have been the one to grab it but a glance up revealed it was Kirishima who had grabbed the backpack.

"Don't worry about it. Can't blame the kid for wanting to stay longer. Let us help you get home. Sure it won't be fun carrying him all the way by yourself," Kirishima said with that dazzling smile still in place as it always is.

"No, it's okay Kirishima. This isn't the first time I have had to carry him home," she said quickly, not wanting to be a bigger pain in the ass for the guys as it was.

"It's either we walk you home or you're sleeping on the couch," Kirishima said, sounding rather determined and she had a feeling he was not going to leave any room for debate either. Which forced her to allow them to walk her home since there was no way she was going to spend the night in their home. It was already bad enough that she had slept in Bakugou's bed once already. And she was still wearing his clothes as well.

"Fine we better get walking now or you guys will never make it back before Bakugou's bed time," she said, unable to help the playful smirk. She always remembered how the blonde in highschool had always been a stickler for his early bedtimes. But then again she was pretty sure he was up at like 4am. She would have to go to bed early too if she had that morning routine too.

"Oi what was that!" Of course Bakugou was loud and went off about how if she would have just forcefully dragged the kid out earlier than she wouldn't have to carry him now. But Sakaki just chose to ignore him; it had become rather easy to do it when she was feeling too tired to fight with him.

With the kid in hand and ignoring the loud Bakugou she headed towards the front door where her boots were sitting neatly awaiting for her. Slipping them on had been easy enough with her hands full. But lacing them up not so much. Ugh she had no desire to put Hatori down to lace up her boots. But walking home with the laces loose was asking to trip herself. Now she was just glaring at her shoes for having laces. But she didn't have to glare for long before a blob of blonde hair obscured her vision of her boots. She was completely shocked when Bakugou knelt down and proceeded to tie up her boots for her.

"Say a word and I'll blow your ass up!" Was the growl she received as she was just staring down at him with wide eyes. He must have felt her gaze locked on him as he tied up her boots. But it was hard not to. If it had been Kirishima she would not have been surprised at all. But Bakugou was a complete surprise and she would never have expected the man to do something like this.

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