Chapter 18

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Now this was what Sakaki had missed and was looking forward to again. With the call made and Bakugou leading the way she was right on his heel even when he took off with his quirk into the air having no issues leaving her behind on the ground. Fucker could have at least told her were they were going but whatever she could still keep up well enough to not get ditched. Even though she had a feeling Bakugou had tried to leave her behind or he really just didn't care if she could keep up or not.

Luckily the villain attack was only a few blocks away happening in the middle of a rather busy street. Kirishima was already there, she could only assume he had been the one to originally engage the villain. And it became obvious rather quickly why he had put in a call for backup.

In the middle of the street stood a man, though his body originally looked like it was encased in a clear slime, thought with a simple glance it was easy to see the slime was acidic and eating away at street signs and whatever else it touched. Bakugou, the impatient man he was, didn't pause for a second as he started to blast the man encased in slime. But it seemed the slime was more than capable of enduring the loud and solid explosions that Bakugou fired at it.

"Red Riot what's going on?" She asked the tall mountain of a man who was breathing a little hard and seemed to be missing one of his signature red gear shoulder pads. She assumed it had been melted off. At least it seemed that hardened skin of his was able to withstand the acid but it didn't exactly help with attacking the acid as well.

"I engaged the suspect in combat. But he injected himself with a quirk enhancing drug. He's go out of control," was the simple answer she got from the red head as they both took in the sight of Bakugou trying to spot a small concentrated shot through the slime. An acidic slime was not going to be easy for the three to handle. Should they keep him in place and wait for someone else? No, the acid was eating at the street and buildings. Left alone he was going to bring a building or two down if the structures become to ate away. Even her own quick wouldn't be the best for this. She couldn't just release a poisoned gas freely in the air and hope the slime would absorb it.

"Well Dynamite is keeping him busy. Can you protect people and try to keep the slime from doing more damage and I'll start working on getting civilians out of the area?" She asked which Kirishima was happy to give a nod of his head before the two broke apart spring in different directions. Kirishima hardened his body using himself as a human shield as she made quick work of making sure people were clearing the area and getting out of buildings.

Okay barking orders at civilians and directing them away from the battle was not her idea of fun. She was really hoping to be apart of the fighting but neither her quirk or support item were ideal for this type of situation.

The dark haired woman was running down the street before a sudden movement to her right caught her eye. Dodging the best she could she still hissed softly as a small coin size bit of slime landed on her right arm burning the fabric of her suit and her skin in turn. But she was at least able to dodge the soccer ball sized glob that had been thrown at her. Turning she was quick to spot the villain eyeing her up.

"You must be the weakest if you're not fighting me," he hissed before effortlessly blocking a blow from Bakugou who was trying to stay away and fire controlled blasts at the man. Kirishima was trying to not let the acid burn through his hardened skin even though she was sure it had to be burning a little. He wasn't wrong but she wasn't about to confirm that. All the while Bakugou was yelling at the villain to focus on him. Though why would he. Clearly Bakugou wasn't a threat at the moment to him so of course he was going to target who he assumed was the weakest hero.

"You think I'm weak? That's funny coming from someone who requires the use of a quirk enhancer to take on a single hero," she called him out remembering what Kirishima had told her. Which only seemed to piss the man off as he started to shoot balls of slime at her. She could hear Kirishima's yelling at her but she didn't pay either man any attention. They had their own issues to deal with.

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