Chapter 19

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Author note: if you wanna read some of last chapter and this chapter from a slightly different perspective check out my other story. Let's Have a Riot were you will follow Kirishima and Sasara's little love story.

Sakaki had left her best friend and her son in the lobby as she followed the guys through the agency before parting ways to each head into a different locker room. It was a bit annoying that she couldn't have a shower after sweating and being covered in acidic slime. Oh well all she had to do was wait till she got home then she could shower and change the dressing on her arm.

So with stripping off yet another destroyed uniform she tossed it in the trash in the locker room before getting dressed in her skinny and a simple t-shirt before she returned to her poor friend who was looking a little lost among the hero agency. After all, Sasara had no real ties to the hero industry aside from knowing Sakaki.

Though it really didn't take the two men long before they were also joining the two women. It seemed they must have rushed their showers but with both sporting damp hair it was oblivious. Especially since Kirishima's hair was no longer in its iconic spiked look but instead hung down around his face and neck.

Unknown to the two women right before strolling out of the locker room Kirishima had made the comment that Bakugou and himself took the two girls on a double date. to which Bakugou had blown up about. Of course the blonde was telling Kirishima he was a moron. So of course as Kirishima nearly ran out of the locker room he informed Bakugou that he wasn't being as sneaky as he thought he was. Of course that had the blonde snarling and running after his friend though the sight of the two women in the lobby meant Bakugou wouldn't yell at Kirishima as he did not want Sakaki to hear what had been discussed. Kirishima, knowing he won for the time being couldn't help but laugh which just had Bakugou glaring and snarling at him more.

"Are you two lovely ladies ready to go?" Kirishima asked as he approached the two flashing them both a wide toothy grin. Which had one woman blush while the other gave him a soft smile.

"Yep! So where are we going?" Sakaki asked as she looked between the two men as Bakugou angrily stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"Not a clue. Doesn't matter to me as long as it's somewhere with a big enough table for everyone," Kirishima said smiling widely as he answered the dark haired woman's question. Well then Sakaki had a good idea of where to go. The food was a bit pricey but sooo good. And it didn't require taking a train as it was easily within walking distance.

"Well I know a place a few blocks away that has sushi to die for," Sakaki said, more than happy to start leading the way out of the agency. Which had Bakugou quickly trotting after her yelling at her to stop walking ahead of him. She could hear Sasara laugh lightly at the blonde's antics which only made Sakaki smirk as she looked over at the blonde as he caught up to her as she started down the street.

"You don't even know where the hell we are going. So of course I'm gonna walk ahead of you. I'm leading and you will follow," she said smirking as she told Bakugou she was going to lead and he was going to follow her. Of course the blonde being the stubborn man he was still refused to back down.

"So I'll just take us to a restaurant I know. I bet it would be better than whatever shit hole you would lead us to," Bakugou growled back at her as his hands were shoved into his pants pockets.

"Ha yeah right. I'm leading the way to a really great restaurant. Maybe you just can't taste good food with having burnt your fucking tastebuds off," oh she was really starting something now that she would probably loose. Because she really couldn't deny Bakugou's cooking was incredibly delicious even if it was spicier than she usually liked her food.

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