Chapter 35

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Walking back into the agency Sakaki was pushing some free stands from her ponytail out of her face. Sweat had started to lick at her forehead, having the stray strands of hair sitting in front of her eyes. The days were quickly growing warmer as the summer months quickly approached. Soon the full black spandex suit would need to be replaced with her short sleeve summer version that would be cooler for her. The material was more breathable than the one she was currently wearing. She looked forward to a shower before she was going to sit down and start working on paperwork.

"See you in the office," She mumbled to the blonde beside her who just grunted at her before the two parted ways each heading to their own changing rooms.

As much as she wanted to spend the next hour in the shower just relaxing and letting the muscles in her body relax she didn't, she knew if she took too long Bakugou would chew her ass out. And not in a fun way. So washing off the sweat and dirt was all she allowed before she was out and dressed in some more comfortable clothes. Leggings and a baggy t-shirt had her smile softly happy for the comfort before she headed out of the change room.

The sweet scent of happy omega followed her since she did not bother with new scent blockers after that shower. Everyone at the agency pretty much knew about her by now. And even though the side kicks were nice enough they also seemed to keep a decent distance from her. Though she had a feeling they just did not dare risk pissing off a particular blonde alpha who would not hesitate to blow them up.

"What the hell has you so happy?" The blonde asked once she was two steps into his office and heading for Kirishima's desk.

"Patrol was boring and uneventful but fine, I got to enjoy a quick shower, by the way the showers at the agency are lovely. And now that I'm clean and comfortable I can get a start on the paperwork that remains then you can walk me home and I can relax tonight," she said as she strolled up to Kirishima's desk were she sat in his seat almost looking like a kid compared to the size of the office chair Kirishima needed for his large frame.

"You forgot what day today is didn't you?" Bakugou asked with an arch of one delicate blonde eyebrow. She simply blinked her eyes as she looked over at him. Yeah she had completely forgotten.

"Tonight is game night. You told Kirishima you would go so that his girlfriend will go. I'm not taking you home after work. Instead you're coming with me so I can get my place set up for everyone's attendance," Bakugou said, watching the happy expression fall from the woman's face as she quickly started to pout.

"Oh come on. Why can't I go home, get ready and then head over to your guy's place. I'm a big girl, I do not need an escort all over the place," she whined, well aware of how fast this discussion could turn into a yelling match.

"We have had this discussion already. You will not be left alone. And I do not have the ability to go to your place again. So tonight you're coming with me. No if ands or buts I will drag you with me kicking and screaming if I must," she listened to him growl the threat at her. Why was that a turn on? Okay maybe she should have tossed some scent blockers back on after her shower as she watched Bakugou's nostrils flare, well aware of how her body gave her away.

"Oh! What part of that threat just now turned you on?" The blonde asked with a wide smirk pulling at the blonde's lips as he watched her face turning pink.

"Oh shut up. Fine I guess I'll leave with you after work," she growled, unable to help the embarrassment that tinged her cheeks as she pouted and quickly turned her attention to the paperwork before her. Well that was one way to end an argument for them.

Damn it she hated not wearing scent blockers. Stupid alpha's and their ability to smell the even so slightest change in pheromones'. It was like walking around with some invisible sign screaming how you felt to everyone around. Even now she wanted to go get her scent blockers from her locker and put them on but instead she turned her attention to the paperwork before her. Nothing made for a better distraction than work.

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