chapter 3

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I sit waiting outside the gates for Lily.

We're supposed to go get a hot drink from the cafe around the corner, so I'm currently sitting in the cool breeze searching for that familiar head of blonde hair and that bouncy step.

I turn my eyes away from the traffic outside of school. It's always so rammed because of the parents picking up their kids after work.

It's kinda cool sitting and watching people live their different lives all in the same place. Running around with their phone to their ear and chatting away to another person on the other end of the line. People driving past in their cars, oblivious to the lives of others except their own. I guess that's just life though, right?

I observe the bustle and continue to roam my eyes around the familiar street, when I hear a shout.



I stand up and walk towards Lily, shoving my way through the crowd of school kids streaming out of school, eager to get home.

"What the fuck took you so long. I'm desperate for a tea, let's go."

We link arms, turning to walk out of the gates towards the cafe. It's a quaint little shop about five minutes away from school and as me and Lily follow the familiar path towards it, she stops.

"Come over to my house, we can watch some vampire diaries. Plus I can make way better tea or we can just pick some up on the way?"

"Sure, I just want my tea. Oh wait, that reminds me I havn't seen your mum in a while, my mum wanted me to pass something along for her and I have it in my bag." I nod, continuing to walk ahead. All I wanted was my tea.

"Okay." She catches up with me and we finally make it to the cafe.

As soon as we step away through the doors, I feel the warmth radiate through my body and I sigh in bliss, glad to get out of the nipping breeze.

I look around, revelling in the rustic, homely style of the cafe. Single light bulbs hang from the ceiling and the whole shop is surrounded with wallpaper covered in books. The tables are wooden and sit against the walls with jars of flowers set upon them neatly, adding a pop of colour compared with the academia interior.

We move towards the counter and I smile at Josie. She's probably in her mid thirties, but has the heart of a kid, and owns the cafe. It's cute. It means she gets on with us so well, and basically is our best friend. Plus, she gives us drinks on the house. Sometimes.

"Two teas please." Lily smiles and places a five pound note on the counter which Josie ignores.

"Coming right up. How are you guys anyway? It's been so long."

"It's only been a week Joe, But we miss you too." I grin.

We usually only come the the cafe after school, and since it's been half term, we havn't really visited much.

"I know, but you guys are regulars and I'v missed the chats."

She places our steaming takeaway cups on the counter and smiles up at us again, placing the lids on, careful not to spill the drinks.

"Well, we'll be coming again now since school has started up again so you'll get your daily dose." Liky reolies with a laugh.

"Yeah, yeah. Enjoy you guys." Josie waves us goodbye and we walk out of the cafe back into the chilly air.

We turn right and come to the basketball courts. I don't usually see people out there, but that's probable because I never really go to Lilies house after school. We usually just sit at the cafe and talk there before we head in our separate directions back home.

Today though, there are a group of guys dressed in some sort of basketball uniform running around. I'm guessing it's a club.

"Looks like there's a new team." I observe.

"Nah, they've always been here. You've just never really noticed before. You don't come down here a lot at this time." Lily reminds me with a pointed look.

I guess because it's near her house, she sees them more often than me.

She stops at the fence surrounding the court and watches keenly for, I'm presuming, any guys that will catch her attention. And you would have thought she was loyal to her crush. Damn girl.

"Oh look, there's Jonas. Havn't seen him for a while."

Jonas is Lilies friend. Well more of an acquaintance. Their families knew each other when they were kids, but I  don't think they don't speak much anymore.

I'v never really been able to put a name to a face, because I'v never been in any classes with him, but now, as Lily points him out, I zone in on a cute guy who's around 6'0 and with dark hair patted to his forehead as he runs after the ball. It's all I can really make out from this far, but I know he's already caught my interest.

The team suddenly start to move into the middle of the court, presumably nearing the end of their session, to talk to their coach.

As they start to disperse and grab their bags from against the far railing, I see Jonas' head turn towards where we're standing and he puts his hand out to us. Probable because he recognises Lily.

I turn to look at her, seeing her face break out into a smile as she waves back, beckoning him over towards us.

He starts to walk over to us, brushing the hair away from his eyes, and as he gets closer, I notice his defined cheekbones and pale blue eyes. He grins as he comes closer to us, and I see his goddarn perfect teeth peek their way through as he stops in front of us.

"It's been a while Lily." His deep voice rumbles through me, and I nearly faint at how frigging attractive it is.

"I know right? How are you?" She replies, as cool as ever, crossing her arms over her chest, and leaning her side against the railing that stands between us and Jonas.

"I'm good thanks." He replies with a short nod and then his eyes are on me.

He stares for a few seconds, and I keep eye contact feeling my body flush with warmth at his gaze.

"So, aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?"

"Right, Eliza, this is Jonas. Jonas, Eliza." She uses my proper name, wary of the fact that I only let my friends call me by my nickname, and smiles over at him again.

"Nice to meet you Eliza."

"Nice to meet you too, Jonas." I try not to let my voice show how flustered I am by him. I never usually get this nervous talking to guys, but then again, I'v never spoken to a guy who looks so... good.

I'm also not one to go for white boys, but my tastes seem to be evolving into something I have yet to explore. It's probably because all the white guys I'v seen are drunkard fools who think they're your new daddy, but are actually just bored bachelors who probably had daddy issues anyways.

"Well, I'll see you around then."

"See ya, Jonas."

Lily replies as he turns around to make his way out of the court, now the only one left.

I turn towards Lily, a slow smile creeping up onto my face. She looks at me with a confused expression whilst linking my arm back with hers and pulling me along with her towards her house around the block .

"He's hot." I say, cooly.

She freezes and looks down to me, smirking. I raise my eyebrows for confirmation before she replies.

"I know dude. But, he's not my type. I like how he's caught you attention though, Leelee."

I grimace at the name and whack her arm.

" Ow, sheez Lizzie. Don't need to take out your sexual frustration on me." She snarkily says with a wink in my direction before tugging on my arm.

I glance back towards the court to try and catch a last glimpse of Jonas, surprised when I see him staring right back at me with a neutral expression coating his face.

Well, this is going to get interesting.

so this is the first chapter with Jonas in, J hope ya'll are liking it so far :))

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