Chapter 3 | Slowly Breaking

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Slowly Breaking




I frowned as I jumped back to the present time when I heard someone say my name or rather shout it on my ear, I felt irritated realizing that I was just in a nostalgic situation a while ago. I groaned, I feel like I want to kick this stupid creature beside me right through his balls for distracting my moment. I sighed heavily, slightly shook my head as if it will erase that happy memory of me and Brandon.

"Waiting for Brandon?" I look up to see Luke smiling brightly at me.

"Obviously" I fake smiled pressing my lips together.

"Oh" was all he said, still smiling. Why is he smiling!

He looks so happy holding his tray full of carbs. It has a huge cheeseburger, lasagna, nachos and a big tumbler of soda on it. Knowing him, he can seriously eat it alone. He's a monster. I mentally rolled my eyes and just stared at him giving the "What-do-you-want-look" while raising a brow. But still, he smiles.

"Why are you smiling like that?!" I asked, irritated. I played with the straw on my orange juice as I looked down my cell phone to check the time. 'It's already half past twelve', I am starving and Brandon is still not here. "~I am not in the mood to smile back at you, alright? Go away" I mumbled.

I don't know if I should punch Luke right through his face for the distraction that he did or kick his ass so he can realize that I'm not in a friendly mode today, or...maybe... thank him for at least stopping me from reminiscing and accept that this is now my reality.

"And why are you being so mean today?" he chuckled. "Ehm, can I seat with you for a while?" he blurted not noticing that I wasn't in a good mood.

"No." I plainly uttered. Okay Eleanor, breathe. It is his not his fault. He doesn't know what you were feeling neither what you are thinking. He's as stupid as that, okay?

"But..." I think he is nervous with the sound of his voice.

"What? I said no. Now go away" I shooed him.

"Oh El. Please don't let me seat with them." He instantly leaned on me whispering.

I looked up to see what he was talking about then we both glanced to a junior student who raised her hand in the air inviting Luke to seat over, and then to the next table with girls screaming his name also wanting him to come over – actually about half of the female population in the cafeteria had their eyes on him, hoping that "Mister Basketball Captain" would seat with them for lunch. The jock being a jock just gave all the girls a fake smile. He turned his face on me showing me his real expression which is the horrified one.

I shook my head and inwardly laughed. I slightly massaged my head hiding the amusement on my face. He looks so funny, though I understand him – I know how it feels like. It is really hard being in the middle of protecting your 'kind-popular-jock-who's-loved-by-many' image and just being 'the-normal-kid-who-doesn't-want-to-seat-with-flirty-girls'.

"Hey" he snapped. "-I thought you're not in the mood to smile, but now you are.."

"Because I understand you" I just shrugged.

"So? can I seat here?" he smiled widely again.

"Na-uh!" I teased him, as I shook my head like a child not wanting to share her new doll. "~they're offering you a seat, why not have lunch with them and make their dreams come true" I brushed my hand through the air making an invisible rainbow-like how sponge bob does it.

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