"Please Scar. I don't want to go alone" A girl on her left begged, grabbing her hand and squeezing it. I kept my head turned forward cause staring at her right now would be obvious as I'm right beside her. 

"Then just don't go. I'm sorry but I can't come tonight, Mariah" Her voice was heaven to my god damn ears. 

"Why not?" Her friend, Mariah, whined. 

"My family and I always go and see my grandpa Friday nights. He lives alone and has trouble walking without his cane so we help out around the house and keep him company" I struggled slowing down my heart beat. Of course she's considerate. 

"Well aren't you and your family just saints" Mariah mumbled sarcastically. Scarlett let out an airy laugh from beside me, my insides melting at the sound. 

"Thank you. I'll make sure to relay that information back to them tonight" I fought to fight the smile from my face. Dean beside me gave me a nudge, a nudge making me then accidentally nudge Scarlett. Her bare skin against mine sent a cold flush over my body, my lunges closing up. I instantly looking down at her just as she looked up at me. 

Those eyes are looking at me. 

I can't breathe. 

"Sorry" I choked out, proud when I didn't sound like I was pained. Scarlett just gave me a closed mouth smile in return. It wasn't big and toothy, but it was still genuine and gorgeous. 

"Party at Henry's Saturday. Kim Lacey is gonna be there" Dean wiggled his eyebrows. I internally scolded him, annoyed he was implying something I didn't want Scarlett to overhear and understand.  

"Can't go. Gotta be up early Sunday" Dean let out an annoyed groan, throwing his head back. 

"Church boy can't miss one service?" I noticed Scarlett glance at me, having heard Dean. I was gonna choke him if he didn't shut up. 

"He doesn't want to miss a service" I corrected. I don't go to church because I want to go, I go because of Nolan. His Mum is the Mum I never had and they're very much so a church family. So every Sunday I attend with them. It makes me feel like I actually have a family, even if it is just for one morning a week. 

"But Kim Lac-"

"Why would I care if Kim  was there? Eros was the one that hooked up with her" I asked, genuinely confused as to why Kim would mean anything to me. Dean frowned. 

"That was Eros? I thought it was you" I shook my head, no. I have a reputation for hook-ups which makes no sense. Everyone assumes I'm the big man whore in school. If they knew the silver on my finger was a purity ring they'd say otherwise. 

"So you're really not gonna come?" I shook my head, smiling at Dean before looking back ahead, us finally making our way out of the dining hall. My heart instantly fell to my feet as I noticed Scarlett and her friend turning in the opposite direction from Dean and I. I sighed, looking away from her and back to Dean as he began blabbering about god knows what. I hadn't heard a single word he'd said, the noise from the hallways muffled as I lost myself in my own thoughts. 

"Man-" Dean shoved me, my hand slamming against a locker to stop me from crashing face first into it. 

"Are you even listening?" He asked as I pushed myself back off of the locker, the both of us almost at our own ones. 

"No" I replied, Dean letting out a laugh and shaking his head. 

"At least you're honest. If you're thinking about that girl again Holden, don't. She's a good girl. You're not" Dean stated, earning a snort in return from me as I stopped at my locker, him slowly as he kept walking, but turned back to face me. 

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