✨Chapter 8✨

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As soon as he turned thay had an eyelock ,her doe shaped eyes immersed deep in his brown orbs that showed an emotion for just a second and for next they went blank .

While he was lost in her eyes that showed only innocence and not the wild look like he witnessed yesterday 😜

Soon she retracted her gaze and came forward ,..

Ri : Do I know you?
And where am I?
How did I reached here?

While she was waiting for answer he was busy in oogling her ,when she snapped fingers in front of him he came to reality ,but instead of embarrassment he maintained his poker face.😐

V : first of all young lady take a breath , and let me give you answers calmly ..

1 .I don't know u either we met first time .

2. You are in my house as u were not in a state to reach home alone .

3 .I brought u here .As a fact of true gentleman u see😁

Now answer my question , why do u drink when u know u can't handle it ..

If I was not there u would have ended up sleeping with that bloody drunkard ..

Ri : I don't think I'm answerable to u.

And thank you for your help yesterday .

I must leave now ..

Saying this she took long strides towards the door and went ..

Whereas he was just looking at the direction of door.

For some reason he was unable to control his rising heartbeat..

While Ri went to her flat ,and decided to face the problem rather than avoiding it , she quickly got changed in formal wear looking all professional ..

When she arrived at the entrance of office ,all her memories with Kabir flashed infront of her eyes , she decided to stay strong and entered .

When entered she first decided to meet the boss i.e. Kabir's Father

She took appointment with him, he called her in a meeting where all her seniors and some reputed persons were present

When she entered chairman Shekhawat greeted her warmly , but our Ri was smart enough to understand the wickedness behind that smile🧐

Ri also greeted him with tight smile and also to others ,when she got seated there was a sudden chaos in the hall ,all looking at Ri with questionable guess ..

Chairman : listen all of you ,as you know we had send our representative to abroad for businesses purpose and she had succeeded in it

She had returned ,so she will join us here on her previous post ,I hope you will coordinate with her us you did before .

With this he stop ,all of them clapped for her which she gratefully received as it was worth her work .

After meeting , chief called her in his cabin

When she entered he offered her seat

C : So sorry Riddhima ,you got to know this like this ,I really felt bad for you

Ri : No sir , it's not your fault infact its better that I reached on time atleast I got to see people's real face ...

She said with other meaning..

C : look I know it is difficult for you but keep you in your sisters place try to understand her situation ..

Ri : Sir can you please come to point ,I can't get it

C : I want to say that can you please agree to their wedding I know it's difficult for you but think about their happiness also .

I genuinely wish for you that you will get someone deserving person 🤨

Ri : Sir I don't need anyone's free wishes for me also I'm not dependent on anybody like others ,and secondly all my life I sacrificed my rights over others but this time I will not 😎

And yes sir I will surely perform my work with passion like always thanks for your wishes ..

Best of luck for your son only destiny knows what's in store for him ..

With that she left before he stops her and nag around ..

She knew what kind of person he is , now she is 100%sure he permitted for their marriage only for the Raigir company's share .

Yes ,Radhika is 5 %shareholder of Raigir estate which she was gifted on her 18 th birthday whereas Ri was given nothing on her 18th

And chairman is definitely behind that shares as he is greedy for money ,infact when she and Kabir were in relation he quickly agreed for their relationship as she had helped kabir in many businesses related issues single handedly
Also he must have thought that she is having some shares so that after marriage he can steal them...

She walked towards her cabin which was assigned to her before ,when she entered she found a lady with blonde hair sitting on her seat when she walked closer her Id showed Neha Singh

Neha saw her and quickly stood up wishing her .

Ri: Are you here on my place ..

N : yes ,hi myself Neha

Ri : hello Riddhima here ,nice to meet you .
Don't worry I'm not here to snatch your place , we will work together ..

Neha smilled widely after hearing this .

N : sure, I will you last year files which happened in your absence with that she went

and here Ri was determined to stay strong and determined

Hello guys so after lot of wait here is the new chapter ,hope you will like this ,also

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Yours innocent author

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