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That fateful Sunday has also come. It's the day that Ryuga and Esdeath deal with the remnants of the traitors.

After receiving a notice from Irina, Ryuga began to practice non-stop to help his mother in this Blood and Death Battle.

The others who saw Ryuga practicing like that couldn't help but worry 

Ryu: "Whispers" Should we stop him? 

Ami: "Whispers" Probably not we do not want be kick at the weak spot!

Hajime: "Whispers" I never thought that Ryuga would be this serious! 

In the middle of practice, Ryuga received a phone call from Esdeath 


[Esdeath]:Are you ready son? 

Ryuga:I was born ready! 

[Esdeath]:Just be careful,my precious little boy! 

Ryuga: "Yell" MOM?! 

After that, Esdeath turned off the phone, leaving a red-faced Ryuga because of the nickname his mother gave him. 

He slowly turned towards the door and saw his karmic teammates standing there laughing. 

Hajime: "Laughing" REALLY!? 

Asuna: "Laughing" MY PRECIOUS LITTLE BOY! 

Ryuga: "Yell in anger" ONORE!.... 

Before he could finish speaking, Ryuga received another phone call, this time not from Esdeath but from Irina. 


[Irina]:Are you ready yet? 


Ryuga then turned off the engine and headed to the garage and got on the black motorcycle he used to defeat Kokabiel last time. 



Stella:Be careful, honey! I don't want to lose you, you have to live for me, for your mother, for Aunt Ryuko, for Mr. Masamune and for the other members. 

Ryuga:I got it! Love you! 

Stella:Love you too!

Ryuga rode his motorcycle to the scheduled rendezvous, unaware that Stella, Ami's group, Rias' group, and Sona's group were following him. 

Rias:Is it okay if we follow him? 

Stella:I don't feel safe leaving this Baka working alone! 

At a nearby volcano,a girl standing at the foot of the mountain as if waiting for something. 

Ryuga:Of course, I have to know you're the one who caused things like this Elemental Silver Dragon 

The person named Aoi slowly turned her face and revealed her full face 

The person named Aoi slowly turned her face and revealed her full face 

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