Extra :)

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This scene is none related to 'Never Again'
Just an extra filler ^^

Don't mind the fake lore in this story. As I said, it's a filler and completely imaginationed. If you think the explaination sounds weird or doesn't make any sense.........

again, it's just filler to get a scene of Evil Kai, that's all.


"Aspheera. There's no good in keeping my power. There's no good to be evil either! Please! Return my power back!" Nya shouted desperately for her elemental power. Her eye widened at the sight of Aspheera holding the staff. The staff that contained elemental power of water.

"How foolish of you to think I'd eassssily gave your powers back.. what did you think me as? A djinnssssss??!" Aspheera hissed sarcasm into her finest voice. Allowing Rage fueled in Nya's vein.

"This element may seemed uselesssss at first but quite deadly when it isssss placed in rightful handssss and proper usssee. With much care... I can't possibly give it away for free, can I?" She continued.

Nya look away hesitated but her eyes fixed onto Lloyd's, asking him of what should she do. Jay also desperately wanted to help but don't know what more of his action might do. He just wanted to punch Aspheera in the face.

Meanwhile Zane, is currently looking for flaws and Cole trying to concentrate on surprise attack. Meanwhile Kai is looking at Aspheera with understanding.

"Besides.... If I was really to give your power.... You'll turn into the sssssame tide you'veeeee became. A Nyad who merged with the Sea. It's such an unfortunate fate honestly"

"I suppose you need to think of it further, Nya Sssssmith...." Her words managed to make Nya blink with hesitation. She wants her power back but at a cost of being alone in the sea again. But.... She just came back....

Lloyd approach beside Nya to negotiate.
"Nya, Aspheera is right. If you took the power back there is 100% that you'll became a water again".

"But what if she lied? She could have just to make me give up on my power! It's still belongs to me!" She firmly stated, refused to believe.

"Would you rather have your powers back to leave us again?? Would you?" Lloyd asked, hoping that Nya might change her mind.

"No.....but..... It's my life now.... I can choose whatever I want...."

"This is serious.... Do you know how damaged Jay was? You left. He's talking to water, pretending that you're still here with us! You need to make a real choice here"

"You cannot leave us again...." Jay slowly whispered while looking down at the ground. Nya can't help but feel selfish...regret....

"Is..... there really no other way?....." Her eyes swelled with little pricks of tears which threatened to fall. But she held her sadness captivated.

"I'm sorry......." Lloyd could only pray....that she'll change her mind..

"No.....please.......I...I just want the staff And that's already good!!!!- - Fine! We don't need to return it back but just take the staff with us!" Nya shouted, still sound pained with the decision she had to make.

She hates to look fragile..


There is no guarantee that Nya could've kept her promise. They all nod and ready to fight for the staff.

"the power" said a hoarse voice.

'???" Aspheera shot a confused glance.

"The staff.... How long can it holds Nya's power?" Kai asks.

".........temporary. As you found out that your power source will soon returned after quite a long time. Even if your powers are taken away....."

"But Nya's temporary water power can be lose to permanently. It's a harsh decision. Have it back or she'll lose it.

"You're saying..... If we didn't take it back... Nya will lose her power.... Forever?"


"If we're taking it...... Nya might go back to the sea?"

"If. If she's stubborn enough. You knew the feeling of helpless without your power.... Have you?"

Kai jolted with a shock, it was right. He hated the fact that his power was taken away. He hated the fact that he can't even save a village once. He hated to be powerless....

But Nya Is a special case.
He don't want her to go back to the sea.

"Chats is enough Aspheera. Let's get your powers back" Jay confronted Nya as he put his hand on her shoulder, bringing out his weapon and ready for action.

He sprinted forward to Aspheera meanwhile other spider robots are stopping the other ninjas but Jay's eyes went wide and hint of betrayed displayed in his eyes. In front of him, a weapon clashes with a familiar katana.


He jumped backwards, landing on one good hand while looking at the silhouette I front of him. "Kai!! What do you think you're doing??!!!" Kai didn't answer, he just gave off that 'i don't have a choice face'.

"Sorry Jay"



Never Again is at the peak of its ending . . .

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