Chapter 16: Winter Star Eve

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Shane woke before the sun to a cold feeling on his chest as he felt for Maree to still be there. She'd moved to the bed at some point in the night and he found her curled up in the blankets with Shithead and Debra on her feet at the end of the bed. He crawled in next to her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his chest. She sleepily hummed while turning to face him. She put her hand on his jaw, feeling for him without opening her eyes. "I love you." Her eyes were still closed, even though the room was dark. After a long pause of silence Shane could hear her snoring again, her hand limp on the side of his face. Shane let out a long sigh and pulled her in closer to him as he closed his eyes and let sleep find him again.


Maree awoke to the sounds of boots pacing on the living room floor. Yawning and stretching she lifted herself out of bed and looked at her feet for the animals that weren't there. She stood from her spot on the bed and stretched again, hearing audible pops and letting out a moan as she took her first step towards the bedroom door. Upon opening the door, she saw Shane with his hands in his hair, pacing back and forth between the tree and the couch. He glanced up at her for a moment then continued pacing, stopping when he realized that it was her standing in the doorway. She watched him for a minute, a half-smile on her face. "What's up?" she asked eyeing him as he looked at her, then making her way to the kitchen and starting a pot of coffee. He followed her and stood in the doorway, his hands half in his pockets, already dressed to go out into the cold. "Rooster, are you going somewhere?"

Shane continued starring at her then looked down to the floor and scratched his head again. "I- uh- I'm gonna be out with Jake most of the day. I've got to go do something before we go get Jas at noon. I just wanted to let you know before I leave." His face had a slight blush to it, but Maree assumed that it was from the cold outside, since he had already talked to Jake this morning.

"Okay, have fun. I'm sure I'll find something to do with Faye. Haven't seen her in a few years, so I do need to do some catching up." Maree smiled as she began pouring herself a mug of coffee, then frowned once she realized that she wouldn't be pouring her usual shot into it. She sipped the coffee with a grimace on her face. Shane walked over to her, putting his hand on her lower back and brought her chin up for a kiss. She obliged and kissed him back as his other arm came around her as well, holding her in an embrace.

Shane pulled away from their kiss and leaned his forehead on her, "I love you too," he whispered to her, then pulled her into another kiss.

Shane left the house, Maree standing in the kitchen with a confused look on her face. "Uh, okay," she said to herself in a sarcastic voice, sipping her sober-coffee and letting out a 'yuck' after each gulp.


Faye and Maree worked on cleaning the house and making it child appropriate. Faye gathering all of Maree's different bongs from shelves and tables into boxes and carrying them to the Green Room as Maree installed a lock on the door to keep Jas from stumbling upon her growing plants. Faye told Maree all about her life in Zuzu City with her new boyfriend and their shenanigans while Maree nodded along only half paying attention to her. Once Faye had finished collecting all of Maree paraphernalia, she watched the chicken clucking and flapping in the indoor pen that Maree had set up. "I don't get it," said Faye in an exasperated sigh. "I understand a dog or a cat in the house, but you literally have a house chicken."

Maree let out a small laugh, "I'm afraid of putting her back in the coop. Call it co-dependency." She finished the lock installment and closed the door, hearing it automatically lock as it latched. "I like her being here. It's more comfortable to keep her close right now."

Faye eyed her stepsister, watching her movements as she wound through the room in the direction of the kitchen. "So, this farmhand? Can I get details?" Faye took a seat at the kitchen table and crossed her legs, folding her hands in her lap and leaning forward, waiting for Maree to begin talking.

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