Chapter 1: Spirit's Eve

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The night air was cool and crisp as Maree cross the threshold into town, expecting a normal quiet Spirit's eve celebration for the sleepy Pelican Town. She was wearing a trucker hat with a pine tree picture and a dark blue vest over her work clothes. Her long blonde hair was pushed up under a short brunette wig. 

She noticed the cage of skeletons as she entered town. Her eyes then meeting with Marlon who was standing next to the cage door. "They're real," he said with a grunt.

"Yeah, right!" yelled Shane from behind Maree, half drunk. Maree jumped at his voice and then smiled, turning to him. "Hey, chick, wanna do the maze with me? I hear it's ah-maze-ing." He laughed. His speech wasn't slurring, but he was well on his way to getting there. His recovery was going well, only allowing himself to get drunk on special occasions, and settling for one beer a day on his off days, and only sparkling water any other time.  

"You're drunk," said Maree huffing. 

Shane put his hand to his chest, "And you're not," he huffed, mockingly offended. He winked then took a swig of his pumpkin ale. Throwing one arm around Maree's shoulders he threw his ale into the air in the direction of the maze. "To the maze," he announced. 

 "Do you really want to do the maze, or do you want to make stupid jokes?"

"Yes." said Shane, laughing at himself. They began their walk normally with Shane using Maree as a crutch. Soon, devolving into them walking with their legs in a W patter, Maree's over Shane's, avoiding the cracks and seems in the pavement. They looked to be enjoying themselves when Maree had a thought cross her mind and she stopped mid step, letting Shane stumble over her. 

"Wait, I've got you something," she announced as she pulled a rainbow sweater and a long brunette wig from her bag and handed them to Shane. He looked at them carefully and confused. "You lost a bet, remember?"

He indeed had lost a bet the week prior, gaining him the couples costume with Maree. The bet was that Shane could go the whole day without making a corny joke. He lasted exactly 3 hours until he made a joke that vampires were 'fangtastic'. Shane pulled on the sweater and wig, grumbling and struggling to straighten the wig properly. Maree reached up and helped him even the wig out by putting a rainbow headband on his head. 

They both laughed as they continued on to the maze. Shane took Maree's hand as he started to speed up through the maze. "We've got that prize this year," he said determined. Maree staggered a long behind him, winding through the zombie hands, around the cauldron, and past the spiders. He passed each person in the maze with a grunt as Maree shouted a 'good evening' out of breath and a distance away before getting a chance to stop and properly great everyone. "This way," said Shane, rounding a corner near Sam then walking into a dead end. "Oh, shit, wrong way." He started to turn back when Maree planted her feet. 

"No," Maree said, "right way." She let go of Shane's hand to push through a hidden hole in the hedges. Shane followed curious to how she knew this was here and if she had found the prize last year and didn't tell anyone. Once they were both in the hidden area, Maree reached into her bag and pulled out a plastic bag with two blunts in it. She pulled one out and laid it on her lips as she lit it and took a long drag. She passed it to Shane as she released a cloud of smoke, who took it happily. Shane's cloud of smoke was followed by coughing and then back and forth it went until the blunt was gone. Maree smiled at Shane then continued on the small hidden path. Shane followed, still curious, but mostly lost because of his high. Maree led him through a small cave to the back of hedges and pushed her way through, reaching the end. Shane was amazed as he reached the end of the small cave, seeing the treasure chest in the middle of a clearing and realizing they had just beaten the maze. Maree opened the chest to reveal a gold pumpkin and put it in her bag, shuffling around Shane to go back through the small cave. 

Once back through the maze, Maree and Shane giggled at everything, tripping over each other. Maree led Shane to one of the tables in front of the Saloon and looked at the spread of food and drinks. "Why are they out of pumpkin ale?" asked Shane sounding sad but still laughing a bit from the trip through the maze. 

"Ooh, Whiskey," said Maree grabbing a bottle and a cup. She poured herself a shot and knocked it back quickly. After she poured the second shot, Shane took her cup and drank it. Maree refilled the cup, passing it between them, and knocking back shots one right after another. Maree had lost count of the number when she finally gained the courage to lean towards Shane, pecking him on the lips. As she pulled away, Shane's lips came back to hers, locking their kiss. His hands snaked up her back, as her arms came around his neck, holding him in place. Their kiss broke long enough for Maree to whisper "You're my favorite pizza place," as Shane's lips met her neck. Shane pulled Maree into his lap, continuing kissing her neck and collarbone before moving back to her lips. 

"Take it elsewhere!" Shouted Emily from the other side of the table. 

"Good idea," said Maree, breaking away from Shane. "My place or yours?"

Shane smiled then held a finger over his lips making a shush noise, "Yours. I can't let Jas see me drunk." Maree grabbed Shane's hands and led him towards the road to her property. 

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