Chapter 6: The Awkward Spice of Life

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The rooster crow felt too close for comfort as Shane and Maree rolled over. His back to her, she put her arm over him and nuzzled into his back. He groaned at the sunlight on his face. Maree moved her leg over his hips, folding herself into him as he reached for her calve. He gave her leg a squeeze and then moved up her thigh, rubbing, causing her to let out small sleepy moans. Shane let out a growl as he felt himself growing hard against the mattress, feeling along Maree as much as he could, his hand resting on her ass. Shane bounced himself against the mattress, unable to control his urges, he rolled on to her, pinning her by her waist. He planted kisses all along her jaw line and neck. She moaned more, getting slightly louder as continued. He put his hands up her shirt, cupping her breasts, as they over filled his hands. He pushed her shirt up, realizing he'd never actually seen them. Maree followed his lead and pulled at his shirt, trying to remove it. Shane sat back at moment and peeled off his shirt, throwing it somewhere else in the room without a second thought. After his shirt was discarded, he buried his face between her breasts, feeling her chest move up and down with quick breaths. He rubbed and pinched her nipples as he bit and kissed her skin.

Shane hooked his fingers into the hem of her underwear, causing her buck, allowing him to slip them off of her and throw them in the direction of his shirt. He trailed his kisses down her stomach and then to her hips, causing her to squirm against him. A knock came at the door in the same moment that she moaned his name. They both either ignored it, or just didn't hear it at all, causing a second knock. "A moment," Maree yelled, her breath held and her hips grinding into Shane's face. "Shane," she whispered as he slid his tongue into her. He growled, causing Maree to moan loudly. A third, louder knock sounded. "A moment," yelled Maree. She buried her face into the pillow under her as she let out more moans of pleasure, gripping the sheets and the top of Shane's head as he worked.

A fourth knock caused Shane to growl again, this time out of frustration. He picked himself up quickly, cock at full attention in his pajamas, bouncing with each step towards the front door. Shane flung the front door open "She said wait a fucking minute," his face wet and his voice in a low and demanding growl. Shane stood starring at the intruders on the front porch, the cold whipping against his body as is came through the open door. In the moment it took for Shane to recognize his aunt through his mostly horny but groggy vision, he slammed the door shut. Turning away from it and leaning against it. Maree was already up from the couch, wrapping a blanket around her, and coming towards him. She placed one finger on his still mostly hard dick, and pushed it down, giggling as it bounced back up. She placed her hands on his chest and pushed him into the kitchen. Forcing him into a chair, then climbing into his lap to face him. She dropped her blanket to the floor and pulled his face closer to hers, kissing him softly. Her breasts just slightly touching his bare chest, causing him to let out a grunt of approval. Maree ran her fingers through his hair, bringing him closer to her as she kissed him deeper. Maree moved Shane's hands to cup her ass, him giving it a squeeze as he smiled into her lips.

A fifth, loud and hard knock could be heard from their spot in the kitchen as Maree groaned into the air and climbed out of Shane's lap. He frowned, watching her pull her housecoat from the dryer and put it on. She smiled at Shane as she rounded the corner of the kitchen towards the front door. Once at the door she took a moment and then opened her. Her hair still tangled from sleeping and other activities that this morning had brought on. The small light that came through the textured glass window of the farmhouse gave hint to the three strangers standing outside at this time of morning. Maree sighed and then turned the doorknob.

Upon opening the door, Maree let out another sigh. "Can I help you?"

Infront of her stood Marnie, Pierre and Clint. Clint wasn't facing Maree, instead his back was turned. Pierre looked Maree up and down, eyeing Shane walking out of the kitchen behind her. "We're here to talk to you about Ice festival and Winter Star party planning. We've got a deadline to meet." Pierre was business in his voice, coughing into his hand after speaking.

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