Chapter 11: Priorities

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Maree had in fact lost all interest in the conversation, because the shadows outside the window had now become a more pressing matter. "Rooster," Maree whispered. "In the spare room on the windowsill is a tin can. Just go knock it over." She was whispering her instructions, her body slowly moving towards the laundry area, her eyes still locked outside. "Don't cross the window."

Shane did as instructed of him, after he knocked the can over, he saw the window lights of Jake's cabin flick on. He heard barking through the window and then a gun shot as he stood there trying to make out figures in the dark between the spare bedroom window and Jake's cabin. "Hey, Chick. What's go- ". Shane walked into the kitchen to find it empty, the front door wide open. A shot rang out from close to the front door, causing Shane to jump.

Another shot followed by yelping and howling, and then Shithead's distinct bark, more distant now that before. Shane counted the shot's that rang out from outside the door, unable to see anything past the fence line, outside of the light from the porch. Shane could hear Jake yelling commands at Maree and Shithead, then shots from a different gun, ringing out in a much faster pace. There was more of Jake's voice, then Maree's voice and growling from even further away. Shane listened for more but could only hear the ticking of the clock. Shane stood at the opened door, feeling as though he should also be doing something, but unaware of the current situation. Shane heard another gun shot, seeing a figure near the chicken coop running towards him. Maree ran into the light, holding Debra in one arm and slinging her twelve gauge at her side. She was out of breath, her knee looked out of place, her shirt had spatters of blood and her once clean hair had several feathers and chucks of dirt in it. Her face tearing up at she looked up at Shane. Maree half hobble half ran into the house, placing Debra in the spare room and locking the door to it before turning to Shane. "I need to call Marnie, I just sent Jake that way." Her voice sounding broken, holding back tears and coughs. Maree moved quickly towards her cell phone and punching in numbers quickly, holding the phone to her ear and breathing heavy. "Come on, pick up- Marnie!" Shane could hear the sounds of more shots ringing out in the dark, then the echo of them on the other side of Maree's phone.

"Jas," he whispered as he slid on his boots and ran out the door, down through the field and into the tree line before Maree had the chance to stop him.

"Oh Marnie, he just ran out of the house in his boxers!" Shouted Maree into the phone running towards the door and looking out it. "I'll be there as soon as I get him some clothes together. Just keep him and Jake in the ranch house with you, I'm sure Jake will need clothes as well. And can you make sure the dog is okay, I may have clipped him. I'll see you soon."


Shane ran through the door of the Ranch house, winding the corner quickly and stopping at Jas's open bedroom door to see her playing with dolls, unaware of any danger that may have been around. He grasped at his chest, remembering that he wasn't wearing anything, and his body was now freezing from running out into the cold without at least his jacket. Jake looked down at Jas, now remembering to catch his breath, "Hey, baby girl," he said softly. "I just wanted to check in on you."

Jas looked up from her dolls and smiled at Shane, then squished her own face in confusion. "Where are your clothes, Uncle Shane?" Jas let out a small giggle at Shane's underwear that had pictures of little peppers with cute faces on them. Shane looked down at himself and laughed as well, realizing that he had just done exactly what he would expect Maree to do if she were saving her daughter. He then thought about Maree coming into the house, the blood that covered her, the way her leg was messed up and her locking Debra in the house. Shane felt shame wash over him, leaving the woman he loved behind as he ran to Jas.

Jas looked up again at Shane, Marnie standing behind him, "My Yoba, Shane! Where are your clothes?" Marnie was gripping her chest while she looked him up and down, her face in shock.

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