Chapter 10: Drift Away

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The walk to the Saloon wasn't long enough for Shane, as he held her hands, fingers interlaced together. When they reached the Saloon door, Shane moved in front of Maree to open the door for her. She stepped through the doorway, still holding his hand. Audible gasps could be heard from the patrons near the bar. The game room was roped off, causing Abigail, Sebastian, and Sam to be sitting at a booth drinking and eating. Sebastian looked up from his food, letting what was already in his mouth fall back to his plate, his mouth fell open as he looked up at Maree in the doorway of the Saloon. Sam reached across the table to forcefully close Sebastian's mouth. Abigail let out a little squeal as she saw Shane behind Maree, also dressed to the nines, his hair combed, she couldn't remember if she'd ever seen him with combed hair. The beads of Maree's dress sparkled as she removed her coat, with Shane's help, and hung it on the coatrack by the door. She flushed slightly at the feeling of everyone's eyes on her.

Pam had looked up from her beer long enough to let out a "woo-hoo kid" and pump her fist into the air before returning to her drink. Gus only glanced up at the pair at the door, while Emily seemed to seethe under her blue hair that had fallen over her eyes, busying herself with other patrons as to not look up at them. Marnie and Lewis watched them from their table, Marnie smiling brightly as Shane crossed the front of the bar with Maree's hand in his, Lewis only shook his head at the sight. Marnie's breath hitched as a tear rolled down her cheek, "Oh Yoba, finally," she sighed.

Shane led Maree through the roped area and into the Game Room where the pool table and arcade games had been moved into a corner, leaving space in the middle of the room for them to dance. The Winter Star decorations in the room lit up as the overhead lights were turned all the way down. Shane let go of Maree's hand long enough to click buttons on the jukebox and listen for it to select its record and begin playing. After a moment the slow and steady beats of an old familiar song started playing and Shane took Maree's hand in his, as he spun her then began a slow sway, He clutched her waist to him, with her heels on they were almost the same height.

Maree smiled up at him, her free hand falling to his shoulder as he moved her around the room, laughing at himself, but continuing to dance. Their swaying in sync as their gate continued. The song wasn't particularly romantic, but it did the trick of a slow and steady song to dance to. The smile on his face resemblant of the same one he had after their rendezvous on the kitchen counter. Shane hummed along with the words of the song, using certain words and the start of each chorus in time, to spin Maree or to give her a slight dip.

The whole Saloon seemed to disappear for a moment as Maree carelessly swayed along with Shane, allowing him to take the lead, and feeling the bass of the song as she moved. She looked up at him, noticing the small nicks around his chin from shaving and she appreciated the effort he put in to taking her out tonight. Maree moved her hand down his shoulder, giving his arm a squeeze and then moving it back, trailing down to his chest as they swayed, "I know I said that I wanted to go out, but now I just want to take you home." She breathed, her voice catching in a whisper so that no one else but him could hear her. Shane smiled, feeling like a teenager again with the butterflies that now welled in his stomach, if he had been drinking, he knew he'd surely lose his composure. His face in her direction, letting go of her hand to move a stray hair from her face as the song changed.

The beat of the second song was slightly faster than the last as Shane hummed along and pulled her closer, speeding up their swaying and moving her around the room more. Shane let out a small chuckle towards Maree "I actually haven't danced since Jas's parents got married, and that wasn't voluntary." He smiled. "I forgot how much fun it can be," he spun her around again, letting her fall back on his arm before continuing his pace with the song.

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