Before We Get Into This:

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Hello, hello, hello!
How are you guys doing? It's been a minute since I have been gone. HAHAHA. It's summer break, so I had a time to write a little something for y'all. I'm sure most of you have seen their hide and seek video on Smosh Pit, and some might have even watched it countless of times, again and again, and by some I mean me. Our story revolves on that one video, specifically. What happened in that video, and how I imagined it went and what I think happened after that. I don't want to give anything more away, so, you should just have to read on. This story only has five chapters, with over a thousand, more or less, word count. It'll be pretty quick. So, yeah, decided to make a fic out of it, because I'm getting kinda bored and idle and I really miss writing here.
I haven't really been active on my Insta lately, even though I like everyone else's posts almost on a daily. Well, I just have no idea what to post, and I usually only have a small spare time just to scroll through for a bit and nothing more. And I'm not active on other chatting medias as well, and I'm really sorry about that. There might be a good possibility that I'll resurface from time to time.

And now that we got all of those aside, why don't you slide down and read the first chapter now? Yeah, and if you like it, be sure to leave a vote, but if you like it but don't want to vote, it's okay.

I miss this so much. HAHAHA. You may now go. I love you, and thank you for your support, and if you're new here, welcome, friendo!
And nonetheless, enjoy Hide and Seek! <333

'Tis I,

Hide and Seek [A Shartney Fanfic]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz