┊14. Jacking off

Start from the beginning

Neighbor kid Nick and my brother kissed.

Nick and and Enzo kissed.


"Wha-ho-huh?" Elsie stammers, without a doubt just as stunned as mom and I are. "So we went to this cliff thing to watch the sunset and after a while I said it looked pretty and Nick was all like "that's not the only pretty thing" or whatever he said and then he leaned in and kissed me!" Enzo says with tinted pink cheeks and a humongous smile.

"OH MY GOSH MY BABYS GROWING UP!" Mom cheers, engulfing Enzo in a hug. Elsie shrieks before pulling him into another hug. I sit watching Enzo fight for air because of how tight Elsie is hugging him.

Kinda funny.

Once Elsie finally lets go of him, I stand up and pat his back, "Never though I'd see the day you got a man." I get a shove in response before Enzo talks again. "Didn't the neighbors invite us to dinner tonight?"

"Shit. Yes, we need to go." Mom says, rushing upstairs to get ready.


As we knock on the neighbors door we're meet with a smiling Nick welcoming us in. "Hey! Mom and dad are in the living room and everyone else is upstairs if you wanna join."

Mom gives him a smile before walking off to the living room.

My siblings and I follow Nick upstairs where we're met with 9 different doors. It hit me that I've never really been up here, or hardly anywhere in this house besides the bathroom and the living room.

Nick opens the 4th door and lets us in,

"Fuckers going through withdraw or some shit."


"Uhm what?" Nick asks, just as confused as we are. Bella looks at Nick like he just questioned why the sky's blue. "Ok, so, Matt's an addict but his dealer got caught so now he dealer-less and going through withdraw." Bella explains, nodding her head in self-approval.

"Wait what happened to your finger?" Enzo asks. I look at her hand and sure enough, her finger is in a silver splint. Bella whips her head around to face Matt. "Care to explain-actually, I'll do it." Nick rolls his eyes as we all take a seat.

"Here we go again," Bella ignores him, starting her story.

"So Matt went into Chris's room to jack off to the thought of him-" "not true" Matt interrupts "-but then he got distracted by a basketball. So before he left the room he took the basketball. Then he started walking down the stairs and that's when I turned the corner-" Jayden lets out a slight laugh at Matt who's rolling his eyes.

"-apparently I scared him and his "natural" instinct was to chuck the ball at me and scream like a girl! So now I'm in this thing." Bella summarizes, holding up the splint, shaking it at Matt.

"Uhm, I never heard the part about you being in my room." Chris says, glaring at Matt. "Uhm, well, so you see-"

(A/n Sibling drama🫢)

"Matt thinks you're hot as fuck-which is a lie by the way-so he felt the need to jack off to the thought of you because he is far to wimpy to ask you to do it for him." Bella says with so much seriousness I'm almost convinced. Almost. Elsie muffles her laugh with her hand while Chris looks appalled.

"Aren't you supposed to take that thing off and move your finger?" Jayden asks Bella. "Oh yeah," Bella takes off the splint and her eyes light up.

"Oh by the way, you remember Amelia? Yeah well, I showed her a picture of this thing and she said you could use the splint to jack off instead of your hand." Bella says calmly, putting the splint back on.

Matt's jaw drops while Jayden nods once, "true." What the fuck? "Excuse you?" Bella asks, "three sum?" Chris jokes. "Excuse you? Are you going through withdrawal too?" Bella asks concerned. She stands up and puts her hand to Chris's head.

"You are a little warm..."

"Shut up." Chris laughs, shoving her into the spot beside him. "Iz, did you order that pizza yet?" Nick asks. "I thought your mom was cooking?" Elsie says in confusion. Bella mumbles something under her breath before Jayden speaks up.

"She'll get so involved with your mom she'll forget about the food. Plus, she can't cook for shit."

"So who cooks then?" Enzo asks. Always thinking with his stomach. Bella points at Chris while Chris points at Bella. "Chris" "Izzy"

"They can bake some bomb ass shit too." Nick adds. "When was the last time I baked?" Bella asks with a teasing tone. "That one Halloween with your easy bake oven..." Jayden trails.

"That was all Amelia's fault! Fucking nature calls bud." Bella defends. "Also wasn't your idea to let Amelia do it herself?"

Jayden shakes his head. "We don't talk about that."

"Oh we most certainly do!"

**✿❀ ❀✿**
Chapter: 14
Words: 1221
posted:7/13/22  10:42 am

I jammed my finger in softball so now I'm making Izzy live my pain too 😊

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I jammed my finger in softball so now I'm making Izzy live my pain too 😊

Anyways... who wants to know the easy bake story? We all know by now present Amelia can't cook, imagine what younger Amelia did...

These authors notes along with my conversations box are my rant/vent sessions if you couldn't already tell. 😁

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Thank you so much for giving my story a shot!

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