Chapter 28

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The car I'm in is stuffy.

The floors were too clean. The leather was too perfect. The windows were too spotless. The newness of the car made me uncomfortable. I felt constrained to my seat, too afraid to move with the fear that I'd end up damaging the expensive vehicle in some way. Even while trying to stretch my legs I'm careful as to where I place my feet so as not to leave dirt marks on the floor.

This whole situation has put me on edge, and now I can't even relax in the fucking car.

It was just before sundown and I was currently being transported to where The Run was taking place. According to tradition, once the sun began to set, I wasn't allowed to come into contact with my "mate" until after he caught me, and it was considered more traditional for us to be separated.

Which was just fine by me, I didn't want to deal with anyone at the moment anyway.

Sighing, I stare out of the darkly tinted windows. The trees were passing by in a shadowy blur, and I couldn't help but think back to how similar this was to my first night arriving in this town. I scowl at the memory as feelings of regret start to creep in. In hindsight, I would have told my past self to hightail it out of these woods. Turn around and never enter the damned city limits.

I anxiously begin rubbing my leg, thinking about the upcoming event.

The soft hum of the car engine thrums in the background for a while, until the quiet in the car is disrupted by the loud sound of Kelsey's ringtone blaring throughout the small space. I immediately reach down and grab the backpack that I have sitting at my feet and it takes a moment for me to dig through my supplies before I finally grab my phone.

"Is everything Ok?" I quickly ask as I answer the phone, immediately concerned that something is wrong.

"Yeah Bray, everything's fine," Kelsey chuckles, "Lou just left, the three youngest have gone to bed, and Marcus just started a movie, so I thought I'd see how you were feeling."

Although her tone is light, I can still hear the undertone of distress in her voice.

"Kels, we've been over this," I try to calmly assuage her, "I'm completely healthy. The only reason why I have to stay one more night is because the hospital has a policy that mandates I must have clean bill of health for a full twenty-four hours before being released."

As I'm talking, I feel the car slow down before coming to a complete stop. The sound of the driver's door opening and closing has me reaching for my backpack, and all too soon light floods through my opened car door. I adjust the phone against my ear as I get out of the car, not bothering to acknowledge my driver.

Stepping out I see that we are in a full parking lot in front of a small clearing that backs up to a large forest.

In the parking lot family members were hugging and giving good wishes to the participating mates. Goodbyes were being said with smiling faces, and everyone seemed to be in celebratory spirits for the upcoming event.

The field itself was also full, and I was a little surprised by how many people were participating. It was pretty obvious to see that those already in the clearing had been divided into their respective groups. There was a bright, white line in the middle of the field distinguishing the two sides, although anyone would have been able to tell which group was which quite easily. With their dominating and larger builds the hunters were assigned the side of the field closest to the parking lot, while the runners all gathered on the side that was closest to the woods.

On either side of the field, mates were waving at each other, and some even dared to get close to the dividing line to have loving conversations.

The whole scene made me sick and I couldn't help but scowl at the crowd.

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