Chapter 7

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The presence of someone suddenly right behind me startles me so bad I jump. Spinning around I scowl at the man. His tall and dark demeanor, not to mention an unfriendly attitude, is something I wouldn't soon forget but wished I had never run into again.

Damien Radcliffe. 

I can't help but scowl as my attention is locked on his hard and angry face. His eyes are glaring in front of him, and his jaw is set in a seemingly permanent snarl. The lines on his neck and shoulders spread his shirt taught as his muscles seem to be straining and flexing against the fabric.

While my attention is on him, his is on the little nurse, Travis.

"You'll do well to remember your place pup!" Damien hoarsely seethes to the trembling nurse, "I will be having a word with Dr. Monroe on your behavior. This is your only warning," Mr. Radcliffe all but barks out in anger. Towering over the cowering figure, his fists clenched at his sides, looking as if he's restraining himself from hitting the poor guy.

Travis is a mess sweating profusely on his jittering form, while he vehemently nods his head mumbling apologies. All but running away as fast as he can. 

I frown at his quick departure, my disdain for Damien growing. 

Damn it! Now I'll have to start from square one.

However, starting over with my seducing seems to be the least of my worries. Now that Travis is gone, the beast's attention finds itself solely on me.

His entire demeanor changes. His once firm face immediately lifts into a bright smile stretching painfully across the center of his face. The once tense shoulders and clenched hands have relaxed at his sides, although seem to twitch in my direction every couple of seconds.

The sudden change spooks me more than his previous display of anger.

Beaming down at me, Damien leans in even closer to my personal space trying to press our bodies as close to each other as possible. I can feel the heat from his body, and his shirt almost touches my skin. Unlike this morning, he is currently wearing a black shirt with the sleeves casually rolled up to his elbows paired with grey pants.

Ugh, and too much cologne is always a turn-off.

"Hi!" he happily greets me. All his teeth are on display, in a very toothy smile.

Disgusted by the man's unabashed play at familiarity, I simply give a nod and take a step back.

"Mr. Radcliffe," I reply curtly.

I don't want any confusion about my opinion of the man, although I am trying my hardest to remain cordial especially when future co-workers are potentially watching. Therefore, I simply keep my back straight, and keep my face passive; blank from any negative emotion.

The giant's face falls at both my step back and short answer before he begins to scowl.

"So you are fine to get close to a stranger, but refuse a closer greeting to someone who you've already met?" he growls out taking a step forward, matching the step I took back. His face crinkles with anger and the veins on his arms begin to show. 

Annoyed by his dizzying mood swings I decide to just put an end to our conversation. 

"I don't mind getting closer to someone who I'm trying to fuck," I answer, a little annoyed.

There, now mind your own fucking business. 

The intention with that one-liner was to have him possibly be stunned by my unabashed nature to give me time to walk away. Or even be somewhat embarrassed and realize how rude he was being by trying to butt into a conversation he wasn't invited to join in the first place. 

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