Chapter Eighteen

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Author's Notes:


Honestly, between real-life males and this lot that live inside my head...I've had enough of the male species this week 🤔😆😆 They're always leaving stuff until the last moment to complete!

Anyhoo...we made it! This is the first chapter that signals the upcoming ending of this book. I hope you're as hungry for this ending as these boys are🤔😈😋

Hope everyone is holding on to a little bit of happiness in their lives. For me, it was seeing the Crue boys back on stage again even if Tommy didn't last the whole of their time on stage...boys!!

Love and hugs to you all...


Final Day/Night


Nikki's Reward

Tommy POV

Consciousness pricked at Tommy's sleeping brain. He shifted a little, trying desperately to slip back into oblivion but something wasn't quite right and it was making him uneasy.

He cracked an eye open expecting to see the calming blue-grey of their bedroom walls and that they'd left the curtains open again. The culprit to his wakeful moment should have been the morning sun creeping over their bed, illuminating Nikki's tattoos, who would be sleeping to his left.

Instead, the stark white sheets against the dark blood-red walls was a reminder that they'd stayed down in the playroom for the night. Not to play a scene; the previous evening had been for Jon's benefit after asking Richie to be his Sir, but because he and Nikki had ended up fucking well into the early morning.

This room was made for fucking; noisy, hot, sweaty, baseless fucking. Their calming and peaceful bedroom upstairs was their sanctuary for making love.

Tommy restlessly punched at the familiar, yet unfamiliar pillow in a desperate attempt to fall back asleep. Realising he couldn't feel Nikki's warmth behind him, Tommy rolled his head to confirm that his lover was still beside him. He peeked out from between his eyelids to see Nikki sprawled on his stomach, deeply asleep, and Tommy sighed happily.

But he wasn't getting back to sleep in a hurry.

Especially when he could hear Mother Nature whispering in his ear. Nikki gave a little mewl of disappointment, his mouth pursing into a pout as if he could hear what Tommy was thinking. Tommy smiled at that and took a moment to appreciate his lover in one of his most vulnerable moments.

Bed rumbled hair was a stark blue-black against the white linen, a tiny spot of drool had leaked and dried in the corner of his mouth and the most disgusting morning breath puffed from between his lips but Tommy wouldn't have Nikki any other way, dragon-breath and all.

Tommy rolled to his back and stared at the ceiling as he reviewed the past week. It had been an interesting week, to say the least. Nikki's plan had worked even more successfully than he'd expected.

Jonny asking Richie to be his Sir last night was certainly a good indication that whatever fears he'd had before they arrived, Nikki had all but obliterated them with his carefully calculated plan. With both Jon and Richie both now open to a little kinky fuckery, their sex life would never be the same.

Glancing over at his lover, Tommy smiled.

Which is why FrankN'Sixxer deserves a little reward for all

With Mother Nature battering down his bladder with hobnailed jackboots, Tommy slipped from the bed, causing Nikki to shift and mumble in his sleep.

Tommy took a moment to pull the covers up over Nikki's back and whisper, "Go back to sleep, babe," kissing the top of his head before padding into the wet room to relieve himself. When he'd finished and flushed, Tommy snuck through the playroom, grabbing his pants from last night on the way through, pulling them up his legs before taking the stairs to the main level.

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