Chapter Three

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Author's Notes:

**TRIGGER WARNING - mentions of past abuse.**

Well...what a strange week.

It's been underpinned with a little Rocky Horror Picture Show theme going on around us only to have the great Meat Loaf pass on. Rock on, Big Man🤘🏻🥺💔

Now...about this chapter...not much to say other than...Enjoy😏😈🔥


Chapter 3

Richie POV

"I know what it's like, puppy," Nikki said, "to have unwanted, adult, sexual attention as a kid. But the difference was...was that I chose to do survive !"

"Wait! What?!" Jon exclaimed, shifting slightly forward in surprise. "What do you mean you did it to survive?!"

Richie had heard some of Nikki's past but he had always assumed it was the sanitised version. It was going to be interesting to see how correct his assumption had been.

"My folks split when I was two, I guess," Nikki started. "My mother did an okay job of raising me for a couple of years but then she started bringing her boyfriends home. I would have been five or six when the first one stayed overnight or it could have been even longer than that...maybe two or three nights."

Jon glanced at Richie and he knew that Jon was comparing his own story with Nikki's. He returned Jon's look with a small smile of understanding.

Nikki lit a cigarette that Tommy handed him, before continuing. "They never stayed long. I dunno if Mom got bored with them or they got bored with her. That doesn't matter. Suffice to say, that my mom's bedroom door should have been a revolving one. And look, I've made my peace with all of this. I don't hate my mom but I know I'm never going to have the relationship that Tommy and Voula have or that you both have with your moms...and I'm okay with that."

"Mom treats you like one of hers, though, baby," Tommy added and Nikki turned, nodding with a grin.

"Yeah, you know she's threatened to put me over her knee more than once," Nikki chuckled, easing the mood a little.

"Just don't forget to run if she has the frying pan in her hand," Tommy added, referring to Voula defending her family when Storm was a toddler and her biological father tried to snatch her.

"Anyway, where was I?!" Nikki said, winking at Tommy over his shoulder. "Oh! Yeah, Mom and her boyfriends. For the most part, they left me alone. There were a few that tried to father me but they were scarce. Some even seemed to take pleasure in pushing me around but realistically, most of the time, I was simply in the way . And that was just according to my Mom." Nikki dragged on his cigarette again, flicking the ash to the floor.

"Then there were the ones that liked to accidentally walk into the bathroom when I was taking a piss or in the bathtub," Nikki made a sucking noise with his mouth. "Looks became touches...over clothes first, then hands would find a way under my shirt or on my knee under the dinner table. Since I was so young, if I said anything, Mom would believe her boyfriend, whichever one it happened to be at the time; she would always believe his turn of events over mine."

"They'd get me to sit on their laps while watching television or lay down on the couch with me," Nikki gave a mirthless chuckle. "I always used to wonder what the movement was between us, coz I'd be facing away and told to keep watching the television. I remember one back was damp after...well, after. He literally threw me off onto the floor, yelled at me for, I dunno now, peeing on him or some shit like that when it was my back, not my pants that were wet. I was on the receiving end of some corporal punishment for that one. You know...naked ass over the knee type corporal punishment."

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