Separate Tides

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Luz holds a ball of light in one hand while carrying the Owl Staff in the other as she walks through a cave. She stops upon seeing a large shadow on the wall in front of her, a deep laughter sounding out and causing her to gasp.

"Foolish child. Leave this place before you meet your demise."

"Do not underestimate me, Garlog. For I am the good witch, Luz, hunter of monsters." Luz's hair blows before she perches the staff on her shoulder like a bazooka, "Now eat this sucka-what?" she looks down to see that Garlog was actually a tiny creature that was casting a shadow by standing in front of a lantern. Luz picks him up as he lets out a squeak and tries to escape, "You're Garlog?" she pulls out his wanted poster, that was depicting him to be much larger and worth 4,000 snails, "This is pathetic."

"Small I may be, but you will soon know fear when I lay waste to all that you-" Garlog is cut off when King eats him whole.

"King, drop it now. Drop it now!" Luz commands as the demon mumbles and runs off, prompting the human to chase after him, "Drop it! No! I'm not gonna play right now! King!"


In Luz's room, she has Garlog stuffed in a bottle and sets her phone against it, "Boop!" she taps the bottle before turning the camera on, "Hola, Mama! You haven't heard from me in a while. It's been a week and a half since the petrification ceremony. A week and a half since Cece and I destroyed the portal home. We had to. Emperor Belos was going to kill Eda if we didn't hand it over. But we couldn't let him use it, so we blew it up with some magic fire...She's not gonna understand any of this. That's okay, Luz. Just keep moving forward. This world is filled with inexplicable magical wonders, like this portal key!" she pulls out the item, "I don't know if it contains magic, but I'm gonna study all I can, and find a way back to you. A-And look!" she lifts up her leg to show King holding onto it, "I have friends to help me."

"I'm never letting you go! You're never returning to the human realm!"

"He doesn't mean that." Luz covers the camera.

"Yes, I do!"


Luz now has the camera on Cerise, the witch teen tending to plants in her room, "This is Cece, also known as Cerise. She's like a big sister to me and she's been teaching me a lot. She mostly specializes in plants, but she can tell fortunes, make potions, keep music in motion, and control abominations. I feel like she has a bigger story that I don't know of yet, and maybe one day, when she's ready, she'll tell me."


Luz has the camera on Eda, who was trying to cast magic in the kitchen, "This is Eda the Owl Lady, one of Cece's aunts and the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles. Or at least she was until her curse overpowered her and weakened her magic." she accidentally makes a jug of apple blood explode, "She's doing her best now."


Luz has the camera on Lilith, who was wearing a new outfit from Eda and putting her old dress away, "Eda was cursed by her own sister, Lilith, who is Cece's other aunt. And she spent her entire life looking for a way to undo it. It's still hard for everyone to trust each other, but maybe with time we can all become friends."

Lilith stares out of the open windows pensively, a small smile appearing before she jumps as Hooty appears in the window.


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