Chapter 54: Is It A Drill? Part 1

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Coach Kerba: Wow. You guys really nailed it, huh? Really nice work on the bandages too.

Tyler Down: I just figured close range with a clean exit point. Probably best to apply constant pressure with a compress. It would really be more realistic for us to deal with a high-velocity, high-impact wound, like a .223 from an assault rifle.

Coach Kerba: Those are illegal in California, no?

I just look at Tyler. Him saying that really get me worried about him.

Tyler Down: No, yeah, they are.

Coach Kerba: Hey, great work, everyone. Look, I know this can be a tough exercise, but it only takes 2 to 5 minutes for someone to bleed out from a gunshot wound. Right?

As much as I'm worried for Clay right now, I'm more worried about Tyler right now. Especially after what we saw the other week. Me & Tony go meet up with Justin to learn what he found as he went asking around.

Justin Foley: I've been asking around trying to find him. Pizza place doesn't know.

Tony Padilla: So he meets up with Tyler and then just disappears?

Justin Foley: He hasn't been in the neighborhood. I went and asked around the docks.

Tony Padilla: I told you not to go down there.

Justin Foley: Oh. You "told me."

Hannah Baker: Guys, come on. This is not the time.

Tony Padilla: You never did say what you were doing there in the first place.

Justin Foley: Tony, my recovery is strong enough to see some familiar faces.

Tony Padilla: Forgive me if I'm not a big believer in people recovering at the moment.

Hannah Baker: We don't know Tyler slipped. We don't know for sure what we even saw.

Tony Padilla: Really? What did it look like to you?

Justin Foley: Yeah, but there's been nothing since, right? Has he done anything? Said anything weird?

Tony Padilla: He's Tyler. He says weird shit all the fucking time.

Hannah Baker: Like telling Coach Kerba how realistic it would be for us to deal with a high-velocity, high-impact wound, like a .223 from an assault rifle.

Justin Foley: Should we tell Alex about what we saw?

Tony Padilla: You think we should tell Alex.

Hannah Baker: Should we?

Tony Padilla: Now I know you're worried.

Justin Foley: I believe in Tyler.

Hannah Baker: I believe in him, too.

Tony Padilla: I want to.

Hannah Baker: Have you guys talked to Clay since...?

Justin Foley: Since he almost got Zach killed?

Tony Padilla: I don't think Clay would even do something like that. Especially after what happened with Jeff.

Hannah Baker: I know. I want to believe him.

Justin Foley: But?

Hannah Baker: Tyler hasn't been the only one who's been acting weird.

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