Talk to me (Jana Fernandez)

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I shook my head trying to shake off the nerves. I could hear the fans screaming as we stood in the tunnel. We had to win this game. As I stepped onto the pitch I had to ignore the urge to look over to where my family should be sitting. If I saw them I wouldn't be able to focus. We had an important week of games and I couldn't get distracted. Real Madrid today and then straight to the national team for a game against Spain. I wasn't looking forward to facing my friends but I didn't have a choice.

We had to beat Madrid first though. Being on loan from Barcelona meant I had a fire in me. I couldn't let my team down. The game was rough. I felt constantly outnumbered in the midfield and we couldn't keep the ball. We couldn't create any chances either. Luckily for us they couldn't seem to get a shot on target. Frustrated, we walked into the changing rooms for half time hoping for a goal. After some changes in tactics we were ready to go again.

Everything collapsed in the second half. I couldn't seem to pass to anyone without being surrounded by 2 Madrid players. Everything went against us. Madrid scored through a corner in the 65th minute. I was subbed off in the 70th minute. I walked straight down the tunnel. I had played badly and I didn't want to watch any more of the game. I took a quick shower and headed onto the Levante team bus. I knew I'd be waiting a while for the team but I didn't care. I put on my headphones and zoned out from the world. I felt my phone go off multiple times but I didn't care. I needed to focus on something else.

At long last the team joined me on the bus and we made the journey back home. After we got off the plane we all went home. The atmosphere after the loss was dull and no one really wanted to speak. I headed home to my apartment for the night before I headed back to England for our national team camp.

I woke up almost as tired as I had been before I slept. I couldn't stop thinking about the game and all the mistakes I made. I tried to ignore it but it just kept coming back.
I quickly packed all of the last minute things before heading to the airport to catch my flight to England. When I arrived at the airport I had completely forgotten to charge my phone. I'd just have to sleep on the flight.

At long last I landed in England and I was on my way to Saint George's park. I couldn't wait to reunite with the girls again. We had a day of training before we played Spain. The team had already been together for a day but due to my late kick off I was a day late coming back. As I stepped out of the car I was met by happy smiles from the England staff. They took my stuff up to my room and I went looking for the team.
"Look who finally showed up!" Leah shouted as she saw me walk over
"Missed you Williamson" i grinned hugging her. I caught up with all the girls before we had training. As always training was intense. Sarina always liked to push us. We knew we had to work hard to be at our best against Spain.

It was 7:50pm. The rain was pouring down in Brighton. The atmosphere was building and the stadium sold out. I had earned my second start for England and I couldn't be happier. The disappointment from the Madrid game was replaced with an excitement for the Spain game. We walked out, the crowd cheering and i couldn't have been happier. As we shook the spainish players' hand I tried not to make eye contact. Not only had I ignored my girlfriend since the game but I hadn't replied to any of them. I decided it maybe wasn't the worst idea to not charge my phone so I hadn't seen what they had said. Trying to push the thoughts to the back of my head, I ran off ready for kick off.
The weather seemed to have an affect on not only the pitch but the Spanish team. They were slower than normal, clearly not used to the rain. We took that to our advantage though and managed to score in the 13th minute through Lauren Hemp
"Go on hempo!" I jumped on her back, hugging her as the rest of the team joined us
"Keep this up girls" Leah said as we walked back.
Spain eventually managed to find their feet and scored right before half time. A stunning goal from Alexia made the game 1-1.
Sarina wasn't too happy we conceded but had full belief we could win.
As the game went on the crowd got behind us more and more. Eventually our patience paid off. I picked up the ball from the half way line, spotting Lauren's run. I played the ball to her and she crossed it into Alessia who finished it easily. Georgia wrapped and arm round me as we ran over to hempo and alessia hugging them.
In the 75th minute we made a change. I was leaving and Ella was coming on.
"Great game" she said as I walked over, clapping the fans
"Thanks" i smiled stepping off the pitch. I sat down with the other subs, the adrenaline rushing through my veins. Although it was only a friendly, we knew this put us in a good position for the World Cup.
When the final whistle went at 2-1 I headed back onto the pitch to congratulate the team.
"Well done skip" i said to leah
"Not too bad yourself" she replied
"Well played guys" i said hesitantly as I approached Mapi and Alexia
"Great game little one" Mapi smiled hugging me
"Keep playing like this and you'll be starting for Barca every week" Alexia smiled
"I hope so" i replied walking towards Ellie and Mary
"Will you please talk to me?" A voice stopped me in my tracks. I turned to face Jana looking at me sadly
"I'm sorry" I said stepping towards her "my phone died-"
"Why didn't you come over at the end of the game? I waited for you"
"I played terribly, I didn't want to talk to anyone" I tried to explain
"Im not anyone" she sent a sad smile
"I know, I'm sorry again, I love you" I reached for her hand
"Te amo" she replied wrapping her arms around my neck, burring her face in the crook of my neck
"Congratulations on the win" she mumbled against my skin, I could feel how cold she was
"Take my jacket" i said pulling away
"I can't wear an England jacket" she laughed
"Your freezing" i pointed out frowning
"Let's go inside then" she grabbed my hand dragging me down the tunnel

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